ndustrial ma
nipulator is developed i
n rece
nt decades as a high-tech automated productio
n equipme
nt, it is also a
n importa
nt bra
nch of i
ndustrial robots. They are the characteristics that ca
n be programmed to accomplish various desired machi
ng operatio
ns, both i
n structure a
nd performa
nce adva
ntages of their ow
n people a
nd machi
nes, especially embodied i
n the perso
n's i
nce a
nd adaptability. Ma
nipulator has a processi
ng accuracy a
nd operatio
n i
n harsh e
nts the ability to complete, so the field of mecha
nical ha
nd i
n the
nal eco
nomy has a broad developme
nt space. The project of arm a
nd capture part of the palletizi
ng robot is accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of a give
n, composite use the basictheory . basic k
nowledge a
nd correability a
nd trai
n of thought of arm, accordi
ng to regulatio
n actio
ns ordlated machi
nery project subject k
nowledge, complete the desig
n of recta
ngular coordi
nates of palletizi
ng robot arm a
nd capture part, a
nd protract
necessary spare part drawi
ng ,co
nsist of pri
nciple scheme desig
n a
nd draw up; realize of pri
nciple scheme、 project of pass o
n a message scheme; a
nalyze a
nd realize of hi
nge skill、 project gap of mai
n structure; project accou
nt explai
n. Key Words: ma
n coordi
ng solidworks 目录 第一章绪论5 1.1工业机器人简介5 1.2世界机器人的发展6 1.3我国工业机器人的发展8 1.4工业机械手在生产中的应用9 1.5本课题的研究意义: 10 1.6本课题的内容11 第二章系统方案及功能原理设计12 2.1设计任务分析12 2.1.1产品功能分析12 2.1.2码垛机的技术要求12 2.1.3运动要求分析13 2.2机械手的夹持装置的选择13 2.3驱动机构的选择13 2.4机械手参数列表13 2.5机械手的总功能14 2.6机械手的功能分析14 2.6.1动力装置选择16 2.6.2传动装置设计16 2.7传动系统方案及评价16 2.8本章小结18 第三章机械手手部的设计计算19 3.1手部设计基本要求19 3.2典型的手部结构19 3.3机械手手爪的设计计算19 3.3.1选择手爪的类型及夹紧装置19 3.3.2手爪的力学分析20 3.3.3夹紧力及驱动力的计算21 3.3.4手爪夹持范围计算22 3.3.5夹持手指设计23 3.3.6齿轮及齿条设计25 3.4轴的设计26 3.5液压缸的设计26 3.6 solidworks建模简介28 3.7本章小结30 第四章机械手机械系统主要零部件强度校核计算31 4.1齿条的计算与校核31 4.2齿轮的校核与计算34 4.2.1.设计对象与已知参数: 34 4.2.2.选定齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数35 4.2.3.齿轮受力分析35 4.2.4.几何尺寸计算39 4.3推杆的强度校核40 第五章设计总结41 参考文献42 致谢43 附录A译文. 44 附录B原文48 4.3推杆的强度校核40 第五章设计总结41 参考文献42 致谢43
ndustrial ma
nipulator is developed i
n rece
nt decades as a high-tech automated productio
n equipme
nt, it is also a
n importa
nt bra
nch of i
ndustrial robots. They are the characteristics that ca
n be programmed to accomplish various desired machi
ng operatio
ns, both i
n structure a
nd performa
nce adva
ntages of their ow
n people a
nd machi
nes, especially embodied i
n the perso
n's i
nce a
nd adaptability. Ma
nipulator has a processi
ng accuracy a
nd operatio
n i
n harsh e
nts the ability to complete, so the field of mecha
nical ha
nd i
n the
nal eco
nomy has a broad developme
nt space. The project of arm a
nd capture part of the palletizi
ng robot is accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of a give
n, composite use the basictheory . basic k
nowledge a
nd correability a
nd trai
n of thought of arm, accordi
ng to regulatio
n actio
ns ordlated machi
nery project subject k
nowledge, complete the desig
n of recta
ngular coordi
nates of palletizi
ng robot arm a
nd capture part, a
nd protract
necessary spare part drawi
ng ,co
nsist of pri
nciple scheme desig
n a
nd draw up; realize of pri
nciple scheme、 project of pass o
n a message scheme; a
nalyze a
nd realize of hi
nge skill、 project gap of mai
n structure; project accou
nt explai
n. Key Words: ma
n coordi
ng solidworks 目录 第一章绪论5 1.1工业机器人简介5 1.2世界机器人的发展6 1.3我国工业机器人的发展8 1.4工业机械手在生产中的应用9 1.5本课题的研究意义: 10 1.6本课题的内容11 第二章系统方案及功能原理设计12 2.1设计任务分析12 2.1.1产品功能分析12 2.1.2码垛机的技术要求12 2.1.3运动要求分析13 2.2机械手的夹持装置的选择13 2.3驱动机构的选择13 2.4机械手参数列表13 2.5机械手的总功能14 2.6机械手的功能分析14 2.6.1动力装置选择16 2.6.2传动装置设计16 2.7传动系统方案及评价16 2.8本章小结18 第三章机械手手部的设计计算19 3.1手部设计基本要求19 3.2典型的手部结构19 3.3机械手手爪的设计计算19 3.3.1选择手爪的类型及夹紧装置19 3.3.2手爪的力学分析20 3.3.3夹紧力及驱动力的计算21 3.3.4手爪夹持范围计算22 3.3.5夹持手指设计23 3.3.6齿轮及齿条设计25 3.4轴的设计26 3.5液压缸的设计26 3.6 solidworks建模简介28 3.7本章小结30 第四章机械手机械系统主要零部件强度校核计算31 4.1齿条的计算与校核31 4.2齿轮的校核与计算34 4.2.1.设计对象与已知参数: 34 4.2.2.选定齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数35 4.2.3.齿轮受力分析35 4.2.4.几何尺寸计算39 4.3推杆的强度校核40 第五章设计总结41 参考文献42 致谢43 附录A译文. 44 附录B原文48 4.3推杆的强度校核40 第五章设计总结41 参考文献42 致谢43