手柄座零件机械加工工艺和典型夹具设计 摘要 手柄座零件是车床操纵部分的组成零件之一,该手柄座的作用相当于一个连杆,车床外部手柄的运动是通过车床手柄座传递到车床内部实现人为对机床的操纵。在设计中,主要目的是根据零件选择合理的工艺路线,然后制定出一套可行的夹具。本文涉及两大部分,第一部分是对手柄座零件的分析及工艺规程的制定;第二部分是对于零件中的两次钻孔加工采用不同的定位、夹紧方式进行典型夹具的设计。通过设计一方面使我们更进一步熟悉了产品加工设计的全过程,在制定加工方案的时候,充分考虑其经济性和可行性。另一方面通过对手柄座零件的机械加工工艺规程设计和钻孔用夹具设计,试图找出一种简单、实用的加工方法,以供生产同类零件的企业参考。 关键字:手柄座;工艺;夹具 Ha
ndle Parts Machi
ng Process a
nd Typical Fixture Desig
n Abstract Ha
ndle seat parts is o
ne of the compo
nt parts of lathe parts ma
n, the ha
ndle seat ACTS as a co
ng rod. Moveme
nt is ha
ndle by lathe exter
nal ha
ndles to the lathe i
nal impleme
n artificial co
ntrol for machi
ne tools. I
n the desig
n, the mai
n task is accordi
ng to the parts duri
ng the desig
n a
nd calculatio
n, i
ng processi
ng machi
ne tools, spi
ndle speed, the three eleme
nts of cutti
ng the reaso
nable selectio
n of the processi
ng tech
nology, as well as the typical fixture desig
n. This article i
nvolves two parts, the first part is the a
nalysis of the ha
ndle seat parts a
nd processi
ng procedures. Two drilli
ng i
n the seco
nd part is for parts with differe
nt way of positio
ng, clampi
ng typical fixture desig
n. Through the desig
n o
n the o
ne ha
nd, make us more familiar with the whole process of the product processi
ng desig
n, at the time of processi
ng pla
n formulatio
n, give full co
n to its eco
nomical efficie
ncy a
nd feasibility. O
n the other ha
nd through the ha
ndle parts of the machi
ng process pla
ng desig
n a
nd drilli
ng fixture desig
n, tryi
ng to fi
nd out a simple a
nd practical processi
ng methods, to provide the refere
nce for the ma
nufacture of similar parts. Key words: the ha
ndle seat; process; fixture 目录 1绪论1 1.1前言1 1.2题目背景及意义1 1.3国内外相关研究情况1 1.4本课题研究内容2 1.5夹具分类2 2零件的分析4 2.1生产纲领4 2.2零件作用4 2.3零件工艺分析5 2.3.1以Φ25H8为中心的加工表面5 2.3.2以Φ14H7为中心的加工表面5 2.3.3以Φ10H7为中心的加工表面5 2.3.4以Φ5.5为中心的加工表面5 3工艺规程设计6 3.1毛坯制造6 3.2基面的选择6 3.2.1粗基准的选择6 3.2.2精基准的选择6 3.3制定工艺路线6 3.3.1工艺路线方案一6 3.3.2工艺路线方案二7 3.3.3工艺方案的分析: 7 3.4加工余量确定8 3.4.1外圆表面延轴线方向长度方向的加工余量及公差(Φ25H8端面) 8 3.4.2内孔(Φ25H8已铸成孔) 8 3.4.3其他尺寸直接铸造得到8 3.5确立切削用量及基本工时8 3.5.1工序三切削用量及基本工时的确定: 8 3.5.2工序四切削用量及基本工时的确定:铣削大端面9 3.5.3工序五切削用量及基本工时的确定: 10 3.5.4切削用量及基本工时的确定: 12 3.5.5工序七切削用量及基本工时的确定: 13 3.5.6工序八切削用量及基本工时的确定: 14 3.5.7工序九切削用量及基本工时的确定: 15 3.5.8工序十切削用量及基本工时的确定: 17 3.5.9工序十二切削用量及基本工时的确定: 17 4钻螺纹孔夹具设计19 4.1任务提出19 4.2定位方案及定位装置的设计计算19 4.2.1定位方案的确定19 4.2.2定位元件及装置设计19 4.2.3定位误差的分析计算19 4.3导引元件(装置)设计19 4.4夹紧方案设计19 4.4.1夹紧方案确定19 4.4.2夹紧力大小计算20 4.4.3夹紧机构及装置设计20 4.4钻套、衬套、钻模板设计与选用20 4.5夹具操作及维护简要说明23 结论24 参考文献25 致谢26
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