摘要 这次设计的是双联齿轮,包括零件图、毛坯图、装配图各一张,机械加工工艺过程卡片和与工序卡片各一张。首先我们要熟悉零件和了解其作用。然后,根据零件的性质和零件图上各端面的粗糙度确定毛坯的尺寸和械加工余量。最后拟定双联齿轮的工艺路线图,制定该工件的夹紧方案,画出夹具装配图。 此次课程设计我了解并认识一般机器零件的生产工艺过程,巩固和加深已学过的技术基础课和专业课的知识,理论联系实际,从中锻炼自己分析问题、解决问题的能力,为今后的工作打下一个良好的基础,并且为后续课程的学习打好基础。对我们动手动脑的能力有了提高。 Abstract This desig
n is a double gear, i
ng o
ne part drawi
ng, o
ne bla
nk drawi
ng a
nd o
ne assembly drawi
ng, a
nd o
ne machi
ng process card a
nd o
ne process card. First, we should be familiar with the parts a
nd u
nd their fu
ns. The
n, the size a
nd machi
ng allowa
nce of the bla
nk are determi
ned accordi
ng to the properties of the part a
nd the rough
ness of each e
nd face o
n the part drawi
ng. Fi
nally, the process route of the double gear is draw
n up, the clampi
ng scheme of the workpiece is made, a
nd the fixture assembly drawi
ng is draw
n. I
n this course desig
n, I u
nd a
nd u
nd the productio
n process of ge
neral machi
ne parts, co
nsolidate a
nd deepe
n the k
nowledge of basic tech
nical courses a
nd professio
nal courses I have lear
ned, i
ntegrate theory with practice, a
nd exercise my ability to a
nalyze a
nd solve problems, so as to lay a good fou
n for my future work a
nd for the study of subseque
nt courses. It has improved our ability to use our ha
nds a
nd brai
ns. 目录 摘要2 1双联齿轮的工艺分析及生产类型的确定5 1.1.双联齿轮的用途5 1.2.双联齿轮的技术要求6 1.3.审核双联齿轮的工艺性7 1.4.确定双联齿轮的生产类型7 2.确定毛坯、绘制毛坯简图7 2.1.选择毛坯7 2.2.确定毛坯的尺寸公差和加工余量7 2.2.1公差等级7 2.2.3锻件的形状复杂系数和材质系数8 3.拟定双联齿轮工艺路线9 3.1.定位基准的选择9 3.2.表面加工方法的确定10 3.3加工阶段的划分11 3.4工序的集中与分散11 3.5,工序顺序的安排11 3.6:确定工艺路线12 3.7工序尺寸(工序3) 12 3.8切削用量、时间定额的计算。(工序3) 13 3.8.1切削用量的计算13 3.8.2时间定额的计算13 4、夹具设计13 4.1问题的提出14 4.2夹具设计14 5方案综合评价和总结16 6体会与展望16 7参考文献18
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