The machi
ne made i
n the machi
ne processes, exami
ng, assembli
ng, weldi
ng with heat ha
ndle to wait cold a
nd hot craft process i
n, use a great deal of to
ngs, i
n order to the geari
ng process object, maki
ng it occupy right positio
n to promise the quality of spare parts a
nd work piece. This desig
n is mai
nly the desig
n of appropriatio
n to
ngs which carries o
n la
nd spare parts, is tally up the k
nowledge that we lear
n before a
nd to the o
nce expa
ng of the k
nowledge that we co
ntrol.This text mai
nly sets out from the desig
n both side of the specifyi
ng of craft rules dista
nce a
nd the to
ng to the characteristics of spare parts, the fu
n produced type a
nd spare parts while co
ncretely worki
ng choice the craft rules dista
nce a
nd to
n the craft rules dista
nce aspect:Assura
nce produce a type, comprehe
nsive co
nsider its ccurate degree high, produce a
n efficie
ncy is high, co
nsume eco
nomy little etc. aspect, choose the superior project;Desig
n aspect i
n the to
ngs, because of is a soild of revolutio
n, process 4XФ 10 bores, the choice drills a bed to process, co
ng ma
ny factors to draw up the superior project, e
nd completio
n origi
nally time desig
n. 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1零件的分析1 2机械加工工艺规程设计3 2.1毛坯的制造形式3 2.2基准面的选择3 2.2.1粗基准的选择3 2.2.2精基准的选择3 2.3制订工艺路线3 2.4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定4 2.6时间定额的计算6 3指定工序的专用机床夹具设计7 3.1问题的指出7 3.2夹具设计7 3.2.1定位基准的选择7 3.2.2切削力及夹紧力的计算7 3.3定位误差的分析9 3.4夹具设计及操作的简要说明9 4.方案综合评价与结论10 5.本次课程设计体会与展望10 参考资料11
ne made i
n the machi
ne processes, exami
ng, assembli
ng, weldi
ng with heat ha
ndle to wait cold a
nd hot craft process i
n, use a great deal of to
ngs, i
n order to the geari
ng process object, maki
ng it occupy right positio
n to promise the quality of spare parts a
nd work piece. This desig
n is mai
nly the desig
n of appropriatio
n to
ngs which carries o
n la
nd spare parts, is tally up the k
nowledge that we lear
n before a
nd to the o
nce expa
ng of the k
nowledge that we co
ntrol.This text mai
nly sets out from the desig
n both side of the specifyi
ng of craft rules dista
nce a
nd the to
ng to the characteristics of spare parts, the fu
n produced type a
nd spare parts while co
ncretely worki
ng choice the craft rules dista
nce a
nd to
n the craft rules dista
nce aspect:Assura
nce produce a type, comprehe
nsive co
nsider its ccurate degree high, produce a
n efficie
ncy is high, co
nsume eco
nomy little etc. aspect, choose the superior project;Desig
n aspect i
n the to
ngs, because of is a soild of revolutio
n, process 4XФ 10 bores, the choice drills a bed to process, co
ng ma
ny factors to draw up the superior project, e
nd completio
n origi
nally time desig
n. 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1零件的分析1 2机械加工工艺规程设计3 2.1毛坯的制造形式3 2.2基准面的选择3 2.2.1粗基准的选择3 2.2.2精基准的选择3 2.3制订工艺路线3 2.4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定4 2.6时间定额的计算6 3指定工序的专用机床夹具设计7 3.1问题的指出7 3.2夹具设计7 3.2.1定位基准的选择7 3.2.2切削力及夹紧力的计算7 3.3定位误差的分析9 3.4夹具设计及操作的简要说明9 4.方案综合评价与结论10 5.本次课程设计体会与展望10 参考资料11