目录- 1 -
摘要- 3 -
Abstract - 4 -
第一章绪论- 5 -
1.1工业机械手的概述- 5 -
1.2本研究的主要内容- 5 -
第二章机械手方案的创成和机械设计- 6 -
2.1机械手机械设计的特点- 6 -
2.2与机械手有关的概念- 6 -
2.3设计方案- 7 -
2.3.1方案要求- 7 -
2.3.2方案功能设计与分析- 7 -
2.5后轴和大臂板刚度和强度分析- 10 -
2.5.1后轴和大臂板有限元模型的建立与解析- 11 -
2.5.2计算结果分析- 12 -
2.6机械手旋转电机的选取- 13 -
第三章运动学分析- 16 -
3.1概述- 16 -
3.2运动学正解- 18 -
3.3运动学逆解- 20 -
3.4雅可比矩阵的推算和速度分析- 23 -
第四章工作空间分析- 26 -
4.1工作空间分析简述- 26 -
4.1.1工作空间的概念- 26 -
4.1.2工作空间的形成- 26 -
4.1.3工作空间中的空腔和空洞- 27 -
4.2理想工作空间的包络方程- 28 -
4.3实际工作空间分析和作图- 32 -
第五章机械手结构设计- 34 -
5.1手部设计基本要求- 34 -
5.1.1传动机构- 34 -
5.1.2回转型传动机构- 34 -
5.1.3平移型传动机构- 35 -
5.1.4机械手手抓的设计计算- 35 -
5.2腕部设计的基本要求- 37 -
5.2.2腕部的结构以及选择- 38 -
5.2.3腕部设计考虑的参数- 38 -
5.3机身回转结构的选择- 40 -
5.4机械手最终设计三维图- 40 -
第六章系统控制部分- 41 -
6.1应用背景与要求- 41 -
6.2组成部分- 41 -
6.2.1关节的限位控制- 41 -
6.2.2工件坐标系的测量与计算- 41 -
6.2.3机械手的张合控制- 42 -
6.2.4公式之间的转换- 42 -
6.2.5计算结果的存储- 42 -
6.3机械手系统的工艺流程- 42 -
6.4机械手控制系统功能设计分析- 44 -
6.4.1 PLC的资源分配- 44 -
6.4.2机械手系统的控制程序- 45 -
第七章结论- 47 -
7.1本取得的结果- 47 -
7.2设计中存在的问题- 47 -
7.3对本设计改进的方法- 47 -
致谢- 48 -
参考文献- 49 -
附录一PLC I/O口分配图- 51 -
附录二示例程序- 52 -
With the developme
nt of moder
n scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, robotics, more a
nd more atte
n i
n a
n i
ngly moder
nized i
ndustrial productio
n, the use of robots becomi
ng more a
nd more popular. Therefore, robotics has become i
ngly urge
nt, especially i
ndustrial robots. For this area, the authors desig
ned a robot with 6 degrees of freedom. First of all, of the requireme
nts for the desig
n of the robot, structural desig
n optio
ns for a
n optimal solutio
n, while for the ki
nematic a
nalysis, coordi
nates with the DH method to establish the tra
n matrix is calculated by i
nverse solutio
n of equatio
ns of motio
n, derived by vector product method Jacobia
n matrix of speed; followed by spatial a
nalysis work; a
nd dy
namic a
nalysis, the key parts of the check. I
ndustrial ma
nipulator is the i
nevitable product of i
ndustrial productio
n, it is a part of the upper extremity fu
n to imitate the huma
n body, i
n accorda
nce with the scheduled tra
nsfer jobs or holdi
ng tools required to operate the automatio
n equipme
nt, automatio
n of i
ndustrial productio
n, a
nd promote the further developme
nt of i
ndustrial productio
n playsimporta
nt role, which has a stro
ng vitality by the widespread atte
n a
nd welcome.The subject of the overall tra
n pla
n ma
nipulator studied to determi
ne the coordi
nates of the ma
nipulator forms a
nd degrees of freedom to determi
ne the tech
nical parameters of the ma
nipulator. Key Words: ma
nipulator,; ki
nematic a
nalysis; work space a
nalysis; dy
namic a
nt of moder
n scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, robotics, more a
nd more atte
n i
n a
n i
ngly moder
nized i
ndustrial productio
n, the use of robots becomi
ng more a
nd more popular. Therefore, robotics has become i
ngly urge
nt, especially i
ndustrial robots. For this area, the authors desig
ned a robot with 6 degrees of freedom. First of all, of the requireme
nts for the desig
n of the robot, structural desig
n optio
ns for a
n optimal solutio
n, while for the ki
nematic a
nalysis, coordi
nates with the DH method to establish the tra
n matrix is calculated by i
nverse solutio
n of equatio
ns of motio
n, derived by vector product method Jacobia
n matrix of speed; followed by spatial a
nalysis work; a
nd dy
namic a
nalysis, the key parts of the check. I
ndustrial ma
nipulator is the i
nevitable product of i
ndustrial productio
n, it is a part of the upper extremity fu
n to imitate the huma
n body, i
n accorda
nce with the scheduled tra
nsfer jobs or holdi
ng tools required to operate the automatio
n equipme
nt, automatio
n of i
ndustrial productio
n, a
nd promote the further developme
nt of i
ndustrial productio
n playsimporta
nt role, which has a stro
ng vitality by the widespread atte
n a
nd welcome.The subject of the overall tra
n pla
n ma
nipulator studied to determi
ne the coordi
nates of the ma
nipulator forms a
nd degrees of freedom to determi
ne the tech
nical parameters of the ma
nipulator. Key Words: ma
nipulator,; ki
nematic a
nalysis; work space a
nalysis; dy
namic a