The huma
nity is faci
ng fossil fuel depletio
n a
nd so o
n petroleum a
nd coal threate
n seriouslies, the solar e
nergy takes o
ne ki
nd of
new e
nergy to have the reserves i
nite, the u
niversal existe
nce, the use is clea
n, merits a
nd so o
n use eco
nomy, but the solar e
nergy has the low de
nsity, the i
nce, the spatial distributio
n cha
nges u
ngly the shortcomi
ng, this causes the prese
nt some row solar e
nergy equipme
not to be high to the solar e
nergy use factor. The light be
nt dow
n the electricity ge
n i
nce to pursue the date system to solve the solar e
nergy use factor
not high problem. This article to pursued the date system to carry o
n the machi
ne desig
n a
nd the automatic tracki
ng loop co
ntrol sectio
n desig
n. First, the mecha
nical part of the desig
n : Mecha
nical structure i
ng a base , spi
ndle, gear , etc., whe
n the su
n's rays to deviate from the co
ntrol part to issue co
ntrol sig
nals to drive stepper motor drive
n by reducer Z to spi
ndle rotatio
n, the horizo
ntal directio
n tracki
ng , while co
ng the sig
nal to drive stepper motor a drive
n gear , the gear a drive gear 2 a
nd Y rotatio
n to the spi
ndle , so that the solar pa
nels perpe
ndicular to the directio
n of rotatio
n by a stepper motor , stepper motor work together to achieve the tracki
ng of the su
n . Seco
nd , the co
ntrol part of the desig
n : I
ng the sig
nal co
n circuit , microco
ntroller a
nd motor driver circuit . The system uses a voltage detectio
n mode to achieve the tracki
ng of the su
n . Solar pa
nels will be separated by a two shade whe
n the light i
nsity is
not accepted by the solar pa
nels at the same time , the output voltage sig
nal is se
nt to the microco
ntroller through the compariso
n circuit drive a stepper motor , solar pa
nels to the su
n tracki
ng. Keywords: solar e
nergy, tracki
ng , microco
ntroller, stepper motor 目录 1.绪论1 1.1课题来源1 1.2课题目的1 1.3课题意义1 1.4国内外研究现状与发展趋势3 1.5研究内容4 1.6研究方案5 2.系统机械部分设计6 2.1机械部分工作原理6 2.2转矩计算6 2.3电机选型7 2.4减速器设计12 2.5轴的结构设计17 2.6齿轮设计18 3.机械零件的校核及选用26 3.1联轴器的选用26 3.2轴承的分类及选用26 3.3键的分类及选用27 4.系统控制部分设计29 4.1单片机的选型29 4.2单片机外部接线设计30 4.3单片机控制方案31 5.结论34 5.1结论34 5.2展望34 参考文献35 致谢35
nity is faci
ng fossil fuel depletio
n a
nd so o
n petroleum a
nd coal threate
n seriouslies, the solar e
nergy takes o
ne ki
nd of
new e
nergy to have the reserves i
nite, the u
niversal existe
nce, the use is clea
n, merits a
nd so o
n use eco
nomy, but the solar e
nergy has the low de
nsity, the i
nce, the spatial distributio
n cha
nges u
ngly the shortcomi
ng, this causes the prese
nt some row solar e
nergy equipme
not to be high to the solar e
nergy use factor. The light be
nt dow
n the electricity ge
n i
nce to pursue the date system to solve the solar e
nergy use factor
not high problem. This article to pursued the date system to carry o
n the machi
ne desig
n a
nd the automatic tracki
ng loop co
ntrol sectio
n desig
n. First, the mecha
nical part of the desig
n : Mecha
nical structure i
ng a base , spi
ndle, gear , etc., whe
n the su
n's rays to deviate from the co
ntrol part to issue co
ntrol sig
nals to drive stepper motor drive
n by reducer Z to spi
ndle rotatio
n, the horizo
ntal directio
n tracki
ng , while co
ng the sig
nal to drive stepper motor a drive
n gear , the gear a drive gear 2 a
nd Y rotatio
n to the spi
ndle , so that the solar pa
nels perpe
ndicular to the directio
n of rotatio
n by a stepper motor , stepper motor work together to achieve the tracki
ng of the su
n . Seco
nd , the co
ntrol part of the desig
n : I
ng the sig
nal co
n circuit , microco
ntroller a
nd motor driver circuit . The system uses a voltage detectio
n mode to achieve the tracki
ng of the su
n . Solar pa
nels will be separated by a two shade whe
n the light i
nsity is
not accepted by the solar pa
nels at the same time , the output voltage sig
nal is se
nt to the microco
ntroller through the compariso
n circuit drive a stepper motor , solar pa
nels to the su
n tracki
ng. Keywords: solar e
nergy, tracki
ng , microco
ntroller, stepper motor 目录 1.绪论1 1.1课题来源1 1.2课题目的1 1.3课题意义1 1.4国内外研究现状与发展趋势3 1.5研究内容4 1.6研究方案5 2.系统机械部分设计6 2.1机械部分工作原理6 2.2转矩计算6 2.3电机选型7 2.4减速器设计12 2.5轴的结构设计17 2.6齿轮设计18 3.机械零件的校核及选用26 3.1联轴器的选用26 3.2轴承的分类及选用26 3.3键的分类及选用27 4.系统控制部分设计29 4.1单片机的选型29 4.2单片机外部接线设计30 4.3单片机控制方案31 5.结论34 5.1结论34 5.2展望34 参考文献35 致谢35