摘要 悬臂式掘进机是为煤矿综采及高档普采工作面采掘巷道的机械设备,它结构紧凑、适应性好、机身矮、重心低、操作简单、检修方便。本次设计主要是悬臂式掘进机的截割机构,悬臂式掘进机的截割机构是有伸缩式和固定式两种,按照它的截割头的分布可以分为横轴式和纵轴式两种。我所设计的掘进机截割部是纵轴式带伸缩的形式。纵轴式与横轴式相比,主要有结构简单,设计方便,便于安装和调试。在截割过程中,横轴式可以进行上下左右摆动截割,方便灵活。带伸缩的截割臂,在解决掘进机掘进面窄的问题上发挥了很大作用,掘进机截割部带伸缩,加大了截割部的长度,从而加大了截割头所经过的截割面,提高了掘进效率。我的设计中动力源是电动机,通过联轴器传动,由减速器进行减速,最后输出转速为40r/mi
n。本设计中主要的传动结构为三级行星齿轮减速器,它包含了一级直齿轮传动和两级行星齿轮传动,输入和输出都采用花键联结。本设计中介绍了EBZ200型掘进机的检修及维护保养。 关键词:掘进机;截割部;齿轮减速器;带伸缩 Abstract The ca
ntilever mecha
nical bori
ng machi
ne is picks a
nd upscale Pu for the coal mi
ne sy
nthesis picks the worki
ng surface to excavate the tu
nel the mecha
nical device, its structure compact, the compatibility good, the fuselage short, the ce
nter of gravity low, the operatio
n simple, the overhaul is co
nt. This desig
n mai
nly is the ca
ntilever mecha
nical bori
ng machi
ne cutti
ng orga
n, the ca
ntilever mecha
nical bori
ng machi
ne cutti
ng orga
n has exte
n a
nd the statio
nary two ki
nds, may divide i
nto the abscissa axis type a
nd the ordi
nate axis type two ki
nds accordi
ng to its cutti
ng head distributio
n. I desig
n mecha
nical bori
ng machi
ne cutti
ng departme
nt is the form which the ordi
nate axis type belt expa
nds a
nd co
ntracts. The ordi
nate axis type a
nd the abscissa axis type compare, mai
nly has the structure to be simple, the desig
n is co
nt, is adva
ntageous for the i
nt a
nd the debuggi
ng. About the cutti
ng process, the abscissa axis type may carry o
n about swi
ngs cutti
ng, facilitates
nimbly. The belt expa
nds a
nd co
ntracts the cutti
ng arm, played the very major role i
n the solutio
n mecha
nical bori
ng machi
ne tu
ng surface
narrow questio
n, the mecha
nical bori
ng machi
ne cutti
ng departme
nt belt expa
nded a
nd co
ntracted, has i
ncreased the cutti
ng departme
nt le
ngth, thus has e
nlarged the cutti
ng surface which a cutti
ng i
nstitute passed through, e
nced the tu
ng efficie
ncy. I
n my desig
n the power supply is a
n electric motor, through the shaft coupli
ng tra
n, carries o
n by the reductio
n gear decelerates, the fi
nal output rotatio
nal speed is 40r/mi
n. The desig
n of the three-tier structure as the mai
n tra
n pla
netary gear reducer, which i
ncludes level straight gear tra
n pla
netary gear tra
n a
nd levels, import a
nd export are used spli
ne up. The desig
n i
ntroduced EBZ200 type bori
ng machi
ne overhaul a
nd mai
nce. Key word: Mecha
nical bori
ng machi
ne; Cutti
ng departme
nt; Speed reducer gear; Belt expa
n a
nd co
n. 目录 1.掘进机的概述1 1.1悬臂式掘进机简介1 1.2国外掘进设备及综掘技术发展现状1 1.3我国悬臂式掘进机的发展历史和现状2 1.4现代掘进机发展的趋势2 1.5我国内掘进设备的发展及存在的问题5 1.5.1我国悬臂式掘进机的科研成果5 1.5.2我国悬臂式掘进机技术发展展望5 1.5.3我国掘进机目前存在的问题6 1.6悬臂式掘进机新技术的发展6 1.6.1新的主机技术6 1.6.2新的配套技术7 1.6.3新的元部件技术8 2.EBZ200掘进机总体方案设计9 2.1任务说明9 2.1.1题目9 2.1.2课题概况9 2.1.3具体要求9 2.1.4设计工作量9 2.1.5完成时间9 2.1.6提交内容9 2.2主要性能9 2.3主要特点10 2.4主要技术参数10 2.5方案的确定11 2.5.1工作机构的型式选择11 2.5.2装载机构的型式选择12 2.6工作机构的型式选择13 2.7除尘装置的型式选择14 2.8高压水细射流辅助切割技术14 3.截割部的设计及计算17 3.1行星传动概述17 3.2传动原理图17 3.3第一级直齿轮传动设计计算18 3.3.1.总传动比计算18 3.3.2选择电动机18 3.3.3根据齿面接触疲劳强度设计计算18 3.3.4齿根弯曲疲劳强度校核21 3.4高速级行星齿轮的设计计算22 3.4.1传动比分配22 3.4.2选择材料23 3.4.3转距计算23 3.4.4参数的选取和计算23 3.4.5初步计算齿轮模数m和中心距a 25 3.4.6变位系数的计算26 3.4.7齿轮几何尺寸的计算27 3.4.8行星齿轮啮合要素的计算28 3.4.9行星齿轮装配条件的验算29 3.4.10行星齿轮传动效率计算30 3.4.11行星齿轮强度的计算30 3.5高速级行星齿轮设计及校核35 3.5.1配齿计算35 3.5.2初步计算齿轮模数m和中心距a 36 3.5.3变位系数的计算37 3.5.4齿轮几何尺寸的计算38 3.5.5行星齿轮啮合要素的计算39 3.5.6行星齿轮装配条件的验算40 3.5.7行星齿轮传动效率计算41 3.5.8行星齿轮强度的计算41 3.6轴的计算校核45 3.6.1主要已知参数45 3.6.2轴上力的计算45 3.6.3计算轴的最小直径46 3.6.4花键联轴器的选择46 3.6.5花键联结强度校核46 3.6.6轴的强度校核47 3.6.7轴承寿命计算48 4.检修及维护保养50 4.1机器的检修50 4.2机器维护和保养53 4.2.1机器的日常维护保养54 4.2.2机器的定期维护保养55 4.2.3润滑56 4.2.4电气60 4.3机器常见故障的原因及处理方法61 总结67 参考文献68 英文翻译68 致谢76 1.掘进机的概述 1.1悬臂式掘进机简介 悬臂式掘进机是煤矿井下巷道综掘法的主要设备,它集开挖、装碴和自动行走于一体,操纵方便,对复杂地质适应性强,便于支护,用于煤和半煤岩层的掘进因此在采矿工程中得到了越来越广泛的应用。 悬臂式掘进机主要有横轴式掘进机和纵轴式掘进机。它们的主要组成部件相同,只是截割头的布置不同。悬臂式掘进机由切割机构、装运机构、行走机构、液压系统、电气系统、除尘喷雾系统等组成。 1.2国外掘进设备及
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