With the co
nuous progress a
nd developme
nt of the agricultural machi
nery i
ndustry, large-scale agricultural machi
nery has bee
n co
nuously applied to real life. Tall Pole pla
nts such as rice a
nd cor
n are the most importa
nt crops i
n Chi
na, however, i
n the middle a
nd late pest co
ntrol of these tall pla
nts there was a
n urge
need for highly efficie
nt machi
nery for i
nter-row passage a
nd pla
nt protectio
n, at which time the high gap applicator came i
nto bei
ng. I
n the middle a
nd late pest co
ntrol of high-lever crops i
n Chi
na, high-efficie
ncy pla
nt protectio
n power machi
nery with high i
nter-row passage is urge
needed. The Ge
neral Pla
nt Protectio
n Machi
nery ca
not apply pesticide to rice, cor
n a
nd other high-stem crops i
n the middle a
nd late stages of their growth, which has also become a tech
nical bottle
neck i
n agricultural productio
n, the key to this problem is the lack of large self-propelled applicator i
n high grou
nd cleara
nce. Therefore, it is urge
nt to develop a
n efficie
nt a
nd safe self-propelled high-gap pesticide applicator which ca
n co
ntrol the diseases, i
nsects a
nd weeds of rice, maize a
nd other crops i
n the later stage, so as to promote the i
ncrease of farmers’yield a
nd i
ncome. The key to solve the tech
nical bottle
neck of agricultural productio
n a
nd promote the sustai
nable developme
nt of agriculture lies i
n the research a
nd developme
nt of the self-propelled pesticide applicator suitable for our agricultural productio
n. This desig
n is a
new type of high cleara
nce self-propelled applicator chassis desig
n, which is composed of frame compo
nts, steeri
ng compo
nts, walki
ng compo
nts, medici
ne box compo
nts, cab compo
nts, etc. , based o
n the theoretical a
nalysis, calculatio
n a
nd structural desig
n of the chassis of the high-altitude gap applicator, the feasible desig
n scheme of the chassis of the high-altitude gap applicator is determi
ned accordi
ng to the desig
n basis a
nd data, reaso
nable a
nalysis of walki
ng performa
nce a
nd steeri
ng performa
nce of chassis. This desig
n carries o
n the research a
nd the a
nalysis to the prese
nt situatio
n of the high-gap applicator at home a
nd abroad, a
nd carries o
n the i
n desig
n. At prese
nt, o
n the basis of the existi
ng high-altitude gap applicator i
n our cou
ntry, the research mea
ns a
nd mecha
nism pri
nciple i
n foreig
n cou
ntries are studied a
nd a
nalyzed, the overall desig
n scheme of the machi
ne is worked out, a
nd a
new type of high-altitude gap applicator is desig
ned, it improves the efficie
ncy a
nd reduces the cost. It is a
new desig
n scheme a
nd has a broad prospect. Keywords Self-propelled; applicator;
new; reduce cost; effective; efficie
ncy; 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1课题研究背景1 1.2研究现状1 1.3研究目的和意义2 1.4设计与研究的内容和任务3 1.4.1主要任务要求3 1.4.2重点研究的关键问题3 1.4.3设计思路和预期目标4 1.4.4完成本课题需要的工作条件及解决的办法4 1.4.5完成本课题的工作方案及计划4 2高地隙自走式施药机底盘整体设计与分析5 2.1基本参数设定5 2.2整机机构与工作原理分析5 3关键部件的设计13 3.1转向系统的设计13 3.2行走驱动系统的设计15 3.2.1传动轴驱动15 3.2.2液压马达驱动16 3.3整机稳定性分析17 3.3.1纵向稳定性分析17 3.3.2横向稳定性分析18 致谢20 参考文献21
nuous progress a
nd developme
nt of the agricultural machi
nery i
ndustry, large-scale agricultural machi
nery has bee
n co
nuously applied to real life. Tall Pole pla
nts such as rice a
nd cor
n are the most importa
nt crops i
n Chi
na, however, i
n the middle a
nd late pest co
ntrol of these tall pla
nts there was a
n urge
need for highly efficie
nt machi
nery for i
nter-row passage a
nd pla
nt protectio
n, at which time the high gap applicator came i
nto bei
ng. I
n the middle a
nd late pest co
ntrol of high-lever crops i
n Chi
na, high-efficie
ncy pla
nt protectio
n power machi
nery with high i
nter-row passage is urge
needed. The Ge
neral Pla
nt Protectio
n Machi
nery ca
not apply pesticide to rice, cor
n a
nd other high-stem crops i
n the middle a
nd late stages of their growth, which has also become a tech
nical bottle
neck i
n agricultural productio
n, the key to this problem is the lack of large self-propelled applicator i
n high grou
nd cleara
nce. Therefore, it is urge
nt to develop a
n efficie
nt a
nd safe self-propelled high-gap pesticide applicator which ca
n co
ntrol the diseases, i
nsects a
nd weeds of rice, maize a
nd other crops i
n the later stage, so as to promote the i
ncrease of farmers’yield a
nd i
ncome. The key to solve the tech
nical bottle
neck of agricultural productio
n a
nd promote the sustai
nable developme
nt of agriculture lies i
n the research a
nd developme
nt of the self-propelled pesticide applicator suitable for our agricultural productio
n. This desig
n is a
new type of high cleara
nce self-propelled applicator chassis desig
n, which is composed of frame compo
nts, steeri
ng compo
nts, walki
ng compo
nts, medici
ne box compo
nts, cab compo
nts, etc. , based o
n the theoretical a
nalysis, calculatio
n a
nd structural desig
n of the chassis of the high-altitude gap applicator, the feasible desig
n scheme of the chassis of the high-altitude gap applicator is determi
ned accordi
ng to the desig
n basis a
nd data, reaso
nable a
nalysis of walki
ng performa
nce a
nd steeri
ng performa
nce of chassis. This desig
n carries o
n the research a
nd the a
nalysis to the prese
nt situatio
n of the high-gap applicator at home a
nd abroad, a
nd carries o
n the i
n desig
n. At prese
nt, o
n the basis of the existi
ng high-altitude gap applicator i
n our cou
ntry, the research mea
ns a
nd mecha
nism pri
nciple i
n foreig
n cou
ntries are studied a
nd a
nalyzed, the overall desig
n scheme of the machi
ne is worked out, a
nd a
new type of high-altitude gap applicator is desig
ned, it improves the efficie
ncy a
nd reduces the cost. It is a
new desig
n scheme a
nd has a broad prospect. Keywords Self-propelled; applicator;
new; reduce cost; effective; efficie
ncy; 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1课题研究背景1 1.2研究现状1 1.3研究目的和意义2 1.4设计与研究的内容和任务3 1.4.1主要任务要求3 1.4.2重点研究的关键问题3 1.4.3设计思路和预期目标4 1.4.4完成本课题需要的工作条件及解决的办法4 1.4.5完成本课题的工作方案及计划4 2高地隙自走式施药机底盘整体设计与分析5 2.1基本参数设定5 2.2整机机构与工作原理分析5 3关键部件的设计13 3.1转向系统的设计13 3.2行走驱动系统的设计15 3.2.1传动轴驱动15 3.2.2液压马达驱动16 3.3整机稳定性分析17 3.3.1纵向稳定性分析17 3.3.2横向稳定性分析18 致谢20 参考文献21