本文主要是针对厚为0.3~2.3mm,宽为700~1630mm的热镀锌软钢和高强钢钢板进行的皮带助卷器设计,首先,计算带钢的弯曲力矩和皮带张力;其次,对张紧油缸和摆动油缸进行型号选取和推力校核;然后,运用Solid Works软件对助卷器进行三维建模,模拟其工作过程;最后,为了使其满足所需强度和刚度要求,采用Solid Works Simulatio
n工具对悬臂支撑轴进行有限元分析。 关键词:皮带助卷机;皮带;有限元分析;油缸 ABSTRACT Belt rewi
nder is o
ne of the i
nsable equipme
nts for fi
ng li
ne a
nd cold rolli
ng. It is usually used i
n metallurgical i
ndustry such as alumi
num, steel, copper a
nd so o
n. I
n the productio
n process of thi
n strip steel for fi
ng a
nd cold rolli
ng, it is
necessary to wi
nd the first 2 or 3 coils of steel strip o
nto the coiler of the coiler through the belt wrapper to ge
nerate the i
nitial te
n, a
nd the
n it is possible to carry out Te
n rolli
ng a
nd take-up, it ca
n be see
n that the belt wrapper plays a
n extremely importa
nt role i
n the cold strip. The straight cold-rolled strip steel will produce elasto-plastic be
ng deformatio
n u
nder the te
n of the auxiliary reeli
ng belt. At the same time, u
nder the radial pressure applied by the belt, the strip steel will be affected by the frictio
n betwee
n the reel a
nd the belt. Whe
n the reel rotates, the auxiliary reeli
ng belt rotates together with the frictio
n force, a
nd the strip head e
nters betwee
n the reel a
nd the belt via the guide plate, a
nd the surface of the reel is coiled. This article mai
nly focuses o
n hot-dip galva
nized mild steel a
nd high-stre
ngth steel plates with a thick
ness of 0.3~2.3mm a
nd a width of 700~1630mm. First, calculate the be
ng mome
nt a
nd belt te
n of the strip. Seco
nd, select the type of the te
n cyli
nder a
nd swi
ng cyli
nder. A
nd thrust check; the
n, use Solid Works software to three-dime
nal modeli
ng of the rewi
nder to simulate its worki
ng process; Fi
nally, i
n order to meet the required stre
ngth a
nd stiff
ness requireme
nts, the Solid Works Simulatio
n tool is used to carry out the fi
nite eleme
nt of the ca
ntilever support shaft. a
nalysis. Key words : belt wrapper,belt,oil cyli
nite eleme
nt 目录 摘要III ABSTRACT IV 目录V 1绪论1 1.1课题研究背景1 1.2冷轧带钢发展现状1 1.3课题研究意义1 1.4国内外研究现状2 1.5课题研究内容2 1.6课题研究技术路线2 2皮带助卷机构设计3 2.1皮带助卷机构简介3 2.2皮带助卷机构的形式选取3 2.3皮带助卷机构的设计3 2.4皮带助卷机构的工作流程分析5 3皮带助卷机构的设计与计算8 3.1带钢轧制后的材料强化8 3.2带钢的弯曲力矩计算8 3.3皮带助卷机的皮带张力计算10 3.4皮带的选型11 3.5冷轧带钢卷取条件分析11 3.5.1带钢第一次卷入条件11 3.5.2带钢第二次卷入条件13 3.6皮带助卷器打开条件15 3.7皮带跑偏的处理方案16 3.8油缸的选取和校核17 3.8.1皮带张紧油缸的选取和校核17 3.8.2机架摆动油缸的确定及校核18 4皮带助卷机构的悬臂轴设计22 4.1轴的材料选用和设计原则22 4.2悬臂轴的结构设计22 4.3悬臂轴的强度计算23 4.4有限元分析26 5结论30 参考文献31 附录1:外文翻译32 附录2:外文原文40 致谢46
n工具对悬臂支撑轴进行有限元分析。 关键词:皮带助卷机;皮带;有限元分析;油缸 ABSTRACT Belt rewi
nder is o
ne of the i
nsable equipme
nts for fi
ng li
ne a
nd cold rolli
ng. It is usually used i
n metallurgical i
ndustry such as alumi
num, steel, copper a
nd so o
n. I
n the productio
n process of thi
n strip steel for fi
ng a
nd cold rolli
ng, it is
necessary to wi
nd the first 2 or 3 coils of steel strip o
nto the coiler of the coiler through the belt wrapper to ge
nerate the i
nitial te
n, a
nd the
n it is possible to carry out Te
n rolli
ng a
nd take-up, it ca
n be see
n that the belt wrapper plays a
n extremely importa
nt role i
n the cold strip. The straight cold-rolled strip steel will produce elasto-plastic be
ng deformatio
n u
nder the te
n of the auxiliary reeli
ng belt. At the same time, u
nder the radial pressure applied by the belt, the strip steel will be affected by the frictio
n betwee
n the reel a
nd the belt. Whe
n the reel rotates, the auxiliary reeli
ng belt rotates together with the frictio
n force, a
nd the strip head e
nters betwee
n the reel a
nd the belt via the guide plate, a
nd the surface of the reel is coiled. This article mai
nly focuses o
n hot-dip galva
nized mild steel a
nd high-stre
ngth steel plates with a thick
ness of 0.3~2.3mm a
nd a width of 700~1630mm. First, calculate the be
ng mome
nt a
nd belt te
n of the strip. Seco
nd, select the type of the te
n cyli
nder a
nd swi
ng cyli
nder. A
nd thrust check; the
n, use Solid Works software to three-dime
nal modeli
ng of the rewi
nder to simulate its worki
ng process; Fi
nally, i
n order to meet the required stre
ngth a
nd stiff
ness requireme
nts, the Solid Works Simulatio
n tool is used to carry out the fi
nite eleme
nt of the ca
ntilever support shaft. a
nalysis. Key words : belt wrapper,belt,oil cyli
nite eleme
nt 目录 摘要III ABSTRACT IV 目录V 1绪论1 1.1课题研究背景1 1.2冷轧带钢发展现状1 1.3课题研究意义1 1.4国内外研究现状2 1.5课题研究内容2 1.6课题研究技术路线2 2皮带助卷机构设计3 2.1皮带助卷机构简介3 2.2皮带助卷机构的形式选取3 2.3皮带助卷机构的设计3 2.4皮带助卷机构的工作流程分析5 3皮带助卷机构的设计与计算8 3.1带钢轧制后的材料强化8 3.2带钢的弯曲力矩计算8 3.3皮带助卷机的皮带张力计算10 3.4皮带的选型11 3.5冷轧带钢卷取条件分析11 3.5.1带钢第一次卷入条件11 3.5.2带钢第二次卷入条件13 3.6皮带助卷器打开条件15 3.7皮带跑偏的处理方案16 3.8油缸的选取和校核17 3.8.1皮带张紧油缸的选取和校核17 3.8.2机架摆动油缸的确定及校核18 4皮带助卷机构的悬臂轴设计22 4.1轴的材料选用和设计原则22 4.2悬臂轴的结构设计22 4.3悬臂轴的强度计算23 4.4有限元分析26 5结论30 参考文献31 附录1:外文翻译32 附录2:外文原文40 致谢46