Mould& Die is importa
nt tech
nical equipme
nt i
n i
ndustrial productio
n. It is also o
ne of the most importa
nt developme
ntal fou
ns for all departme
nts of cou
ntry eco
nomy. The progressive die is a ki
nd of complex a
nd precise formi
ng die. It possesses ma
ny adva
ntages such as high efficie
ncy,accuracy a
nd lo
ng life. Thisvehicle is desig
ned for former Lo
nal Beam stampi
ng die desig
n, accordi
ng to board first desig
n of the structure a
nd characteristics of a process of a
nalysis, combi
nedwith the curre
nt mold ma
nufacturer specific experie
nce i
n structural desig
n, desig
nwill be able to effectively applied i
n practice Productio
n a
nd more practical to die. Parts of the structure of productio
n for use Die, die of cold stampi
ng a
nd the releva
nt k
nowledge of the brief. Drawi
ng is to die after bla
ng the material through the process of stampi
ng die Tuao produce plastic deformatio
n plate shape to receive the process, the mold is a
n importa
nt compo
nt of other processes is the fou
n. Drawi
ng o
n the desig
n of the model characteristics, compositio
n, co
ncretework o
n the process a
nd formed part of the mold partswere a
nalyzed. Keywords:Muffler;Rammi
ng mold;Drawi
ng formatio
n;Mold desig
n; 目录 引言1 1绪论3 2工件的工艺分析6 2.1分析工件的使用材料种类及工艺特性6 2.2工件的结构分析6 3模具的基本类型和结构分7 3.1模具基本类型的确定7 3.2拍样方式的确定和材料利用率的计算7 4模具各工艺计算及冲裁设备的确定8 4.1各工序压力的计算8 4.2压力机的选用11 4.3模具主要工作部分刃口尺寸的计算11 4.4冲孔凸模的刃口尺寸计算12 4.5落料凹模刃口尺寸计算12 4.6拉伸质量和拉伸系数及拉伸工序尺寸的计算12 4.7正拉伸凸、凹模尺寸计算14 4.8反拉伸凸、凹模尺寸计算15 5模具零件材料选择和结构设计16 5.1模具零件的选材要求16 5.2模架的选择17 5.3模柄的选用17 5.4其他固定零件17 5.5卸料与推件装置18 5.6模具总装图和明细表19 6模具零件加工工艺20 6.1工艺编制的基本原则与注意事项20 6.2模具主要零件加工工艺过程22 7结论26 谢辞27 参考文献28
nt tech
nical equipme
nt i
n i
ndustrial productio
n. It is also o
ne of the most importa
nt developme
ntal fou
ns for all departme
nts of cou
ntry eco
nomy. The progressive die is a ki
nd of complex a
nd precise formi
ng die. It possesses ma
ny adva
ntages such as high efficie
ncy,accuracy a
nd lo
ng life. Thisvehicle is desig
ned for former Lo
nal Beam stampi
ng die desig
n, accordi
ng to board first desig
n of the structure a
nd characteristics of a process of a
nalysis, combi
nedwith the curre
nt mold ma
nufacturer specific experie
nce i
n structural desig
n, desig
nwill be able to effectively applied i
n practice Productio
n a
nd more practical to die. Parts of the structure of productio
n for use Die, die of cold stampi
ng a
nd the releva
nt k
nowledge of the brief. Drawi
ng is to die after bla
ng the material through the process of stampi
ng die Tuao produce plastic deformatio
n plate shape to receive the process, the mold is a
n importa
nt compo
nt of other processes is the fou
n. Drawi
ng o
n the desig
n of the model characteristics, compositio
n, co
ncretework o
n the process a
nd formed part of the mold partswere a
nalyzed. Keywords:Muffler;Rammi
ng mold;Drawi
ng formatio
n;Mold desig
n; 目录 引言1 1绪论3 2工件的工艺分析6 2.1分析工件的使用材料种类及工艺特性6 2.2工件的结构分析6 3模具的基本类型和结构分7 3.1模具基本类型的确定7 3.2拍样方式的确定和材料利用率的计算7 4模具各工艺计算及冲裁设备的确定8 4.1各工序压力的计算8 4.2压力机的选用11 4.3模具主要工作部分刃口尺寸的计算11 4.4冲孔凸模的刃口尺寸计算12 4.5落料凹模刃口尺寸计算12 4.6拉伸质量和拉伸系数及拉伸工序尺寸的计算12 4.7正拉伸凸、凹模尺寸计算14 4.8反拉伸凸、凹模尺寸计算15 5模具零件材料选择和结构设计16 5.1模具零件的选材要求16 5.2模架的选择17 5.3模柄的选用17 5.4其他固定零件17 5.5卸料与推件装置18 5.6模具总装图和明细表19 6模具零件加工工艺20 6.1工艺编制的基本原则与注意事项20 6.2模具主要零件加工工艺过程22 7结论26 谢辞27 参考文献28