This desig
n is for a give
n spri
ng beari
ng product diagram for stampi
ng die desig
n. The selectio
n of stampi
ng process is carried out o
n the basis of co
ng related data a
nd carefully a
ng the shape of the product. The selectio
n of stampi
ng dies is based o
n a comprehe
nsive co
n of ma
ny factors such as eco
nomy, stampi
ng process a
nd complexity of parts. O
n the premise that the mold is molded, it is simplified to the familiar model. I
n additio
n, the selectio
n pri
nciple a
nd selectio
n method of stampi
ng parts a
nd other related parts are also explai
ned. I
n additio
n, the calculatio
n method a
nd simplified model of the bla
nk expa
n of several product shapes are also i
ntroduced, a
nd several refere
nce bookswhich
need to be used i
n the desig
n of stampi
ng die desig
n are also i
ntroduced. Keywords: spri
ng beari
ng; stampi
ng die; bla
nk; formi
ng parts 目录 摘要2 Abstract 3 前言5 第一章、弯曲件的工艺分析8 1.1.弯曲件零件图8 1.2.弯曲件工艺分析9 第二章、弯曲件的工艺方案10 第三章、必要的尺寸计算11 3.1.计算毛坯尺寸11 3.2.冲压力计算12 3.2.1.落料冲孔模冲压力计算12 3.2.2.落料冲孔模冲压力计算13 3.3.冲压设备的选择14 3.4.确定模具的压力中心15 3.5.冲模尺寸及公差的计算16 3.5.1加工方法的确定16 3.5.2.落料冲孔模刃口尺寸计算17 3.5.2.弯曲模计算19 3.6.导柱、导套21 3.7.定位设计21 第四章、模具总体结构设计22 4.1.模具类形的选择22 4.2.定位方式的选择22 4.3.卸料、出件方式的选择22 4.4.导柱、导套位置的确定22 第五章、各工序模具结构形式的确定23 5.1.落料冲孔模结构设计23 5.2.弯曲模结构设计24 第六章、模具的装配25 6.1.上模装配25 6.2.下模装配25 结束语26 设计心得27 参考文献28
n is for a give
n spri
ng beari
ng product diagram for stampi
ng die desig
n. The selectio
n of stampi
ng process is carried out o
n the basis of co
ng related data a
nd carefully a
ng the shape of the product. The selectio
n of stampi
ng dies is based o
n a comprehe
nsive co
n of ma
ny factors such as eco
nomy, stampi
ng process a
nd complexity of parts. O
n the premise that the mold is molded, it is simplified to the familiar model. I
n additio
n, the selectio
n pri
nciple a
nd selectio
n method of stampi
ng parts a
nd other related parts are also explai
ned. I
n additio
n, the calculatio
n method a
nd simplified model of the bla
nk expa
n of several product shapes are also i
ntroduced, a
nd several refere
nce bookswhich
need to be used i
n the desig
n of stampi
ng die desig
n are also i
ntroduced. Keywords: spri
ng beari
ng; stampi
ng die; bla
nk; formi
ng parts 目录 摘要2 Abstract 3 前言5 第一章、弯曲件的工艺分析8 1.1.弯曲件零件图8 1.2.弯曲件工艺分析9 第二章、弯曲件的工艺方案10 第三章、必要的尺寸计算11 3.1.计算毛坯尺寸11 3.2.冲压力计算12 3.2.1.落料冲孔模冲压力计算12 3.2.2.落料冲孔模冲压力计算13 3.3.冲压设备的选择14 3.4.确定模具的压力中心15 3.5.冲模尺寸及公差的计算16 3.5.1加工方法的确定16 3.5.2.落料冲孔模刃口尺寸计算17 3.5.2.弯曲模计算19 3.6.导柱、导套21 3.7.定位设计21 第四章、模具总体结构设计22 4.1.模具类形的选择22 4.2.定位方式的选择22 4.3.卸料、出件方式的选择22 4.4.导柱、导套位置的确定22 第五章、各工序模具结构形式的确定23 5.1.落料冲孔模结构设计23 5.2.弯曲模结构设计24 第六章、模具的装配25 6.1.上模装配25 6.2.下模装配25 结束语26 设计心得27 参考文献28