环套的冲压模具设计 摘要 随着模具制造的技能化逐步向科学化发展,逐渐由以前手动方式发展为利用软件等高科技方式来辅助设计的完成。冷冲模是其中的一种。 设计是在模具专业理论教学之后进行的实践性教学环节。是对所学知识的一次总检验,是走向工作岗位前的一次实战演习。其目的是,综合运用所学课程的理论和实践知识,设计一副完整的模具训练、培养和提高自己的工作能力。巩固和扩充模具专业课程所学内容,掌握模具设计与制造的方法、步骤和相关技术规范。熟练查阅相关技术资料。掌握模具设计与制造的基本技能,在此次环套的冲压模具设计中,如制件工艺性分析、模具工艺方案论证、工艺计算、加工设备选定、制造工艺、收集和查阅设计资料,绘图及编写设计技术文件等。 冲压工艺与模具设计应结合工厂的设备、人员等实际情况,从零件的质量、生产效率、生产成本、劳动强度、环境的保护以及生产的安全性各个方面综合考虑,选择技术先进、经济合理、使用安全可靠的工艺方案和模具,以使冲压件的生产在保证达到设计图样上的各项技术要求,尽可能降低冲压的工艺成本和保证安全生产。 关键词:环套;冲压模具;工艺性分析;工艺计算; Abstract With the gradual developme
nt of mould ma
ng tech
nology to scie
nce, gradually from the ma
nualway to the use of software a
nd other high-tech mea
ns to assist the completio
n of desig
n. Cold die is o
ne of them. Graduatio
n desig
n is a practical teachi
ng li
nk after the theoretical teachi
ng of mold specialty. It is a ge
neral test of k
nowledge a
nd a practical exercise before headi
ng towork. The aim is to desig
n a complete set of mold trai
ng, cultivate a
nd improve theirworki
ng ability by usi
ng the theory a
nd practical k
nowledge of the course. Co
ng a
nd expa
ng the co
nts of the mold specialized course, masteri
ng the methods, steps a
nd releva
nt tech
nical specificatio
ns of mold desig
n a
nd ma
ng. Skilled access to releva
nt tech
nical i
n. Masteri
ng the basic skills of mold desig
n a
nd ma
nufacture, i
n the stampi
ng die desig
n of this ri
ng, such as tech
nical a
nalysis of parts, demo
n of mould process pla
n, process calculatio
n, processi
ng equipme
nt selectio
n, ma
ng process, collectio
n a
nd co
ng desig
n data, drawi
ng a
ng desig
n tech
nical docume
nts. The stampi
ng process a
nd die desig
n should be combi
nedwith the actual co
ns of the equipme
nt a
nd perso
nel of the factory. From the aspects of the parts quality, productio
n efficie
ncy, productio
n cost, labor i
nsity, e
ntal protectio
n a
nd productio
n safety, the tech
nology is adva
nced, eco
nomical a
nd safe to use. The productio
n of stampi
ng parts guara
ntees to meet the tech
nical requireme
nts of the desig
n drawi
ngs, reduces the process cost of stampi
ng as much as possible a
nd e
nsures safe productio
n. Keywords: ri
ng sleeve; stampi
ng die; process a
nalysis; process calculatio
n; 目录 摘要3 第一章、引言4 第二章、冲裁件的工艺性分析7 1.1.冲裁件的结构工艺性8 1.1.1.冲裁件的形状8 1.1.2.冲裁件的尺寸精度8 第二章、制件冲压工艺方案的确定9 2.1.冲压工序的组合9 2.2.冲压顺序的安排9 第三章、制件排样图的设计及材料利用率的计算10 3.1.预孔尺寸的计算10 3.2.制件排样图的设计10 3.2.1.搭边与料宽10 3.3.材料利用率的计算11 第四章、确定总冲压力和选用压力机及计算压力中心12 4.1.落料冲孔力计算12 4.1.1.冲裁力的计算12 4.1.2.卸料力、推件力和顶件力12 4.2.翻孔力的计算13 4.3.压力中心的计算13 4.4.压力机的选用15 第五章、凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算16 5.1.落料冲孔模16 5.2.凸模、凹模刃口尺寸计算方法17 5.2.1.凸模和凹模分开加工17 5.3.翻孔模尺寸计算方法18 第六章、模具整体结构形式设计19 6.1.拉伸模结构形式: 19 6.2.翻孔模的结构形式20 第七章、模具零件的结构设计21 7.1.落料凸凹模的设计21 7.2.落料凹模的设计21 7.3.冲孔凸模的设计22 7.4.凸凹模固定板的设计23 7.5.翻孔凹模设计24 7.6.翻孔凸模设计24 第八章、模具的总装配(以翻孔模为例) 25 设计小结26 致谢28 参考文献29
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