The earliest k
n plate-type tower i
n i
ndustrywas the bubble tower,which has bee
nwidely used for more tha
n two hu
ndredyears. Bubble colum
n because of its large elasticity of operatio
n, large productio
n capacity, high plate efficie
not easy jam a
nd ca
n adapt to avariety of adva
ntages, such as medium, so bubble colum
n has importa
nt positio
n i
n the field of distillatio
n, absorptio
n, etc. Bubble colum
n are the shortcomi
ngs of complex structure, high cost, i
n a
nd mai
nce of trouble the gas phase pressure drop is bigger, so that bubble colum
n i
n the applicatio
n of moder
n i
ndustrial proportio
n has decreased. But bubble cover tower appears early, accumulate rich experie
nce, commo
n bubble cover alreadyvery sta
ndard, its fu
n a
nd the adva
ntage also have a lot of plate tower ca
not replace part. The classificatio
n of bubble cap tray is divided i
nto a si
ngle flowsheet tray a
nd a bar tray,which is still a
n i
ntegral part of i
ndustrial productio
n. This research topic is the teacher give
n bubble colum
n desig
n requireme
nts, its effect is mai
nly used for separati
ng mixed be
ne- tolue
ne solutio
n, by looki
ng at the data, readi
ng books for i
n, a
nalysis of the give
n desig
n co
ns, through some calculatio
n to determi
ne the structure of the bubble colum
n, the desig
n of mai
n part desig
n, mecha
nical desig
n of the tower. Through the a
nalysis of the desig
n co
n of the bubble cap tower, the desig
n method a
nd the procedure are determi
ned. I
n the bubble colum
n tower body parts, i
nal parts, beari
ngs a
nd accessories materialswhe
n the choice, should
not o
nly satisfy the tech
nological desig
n, co
nsider the
natural factors, forwall thick
ness calculatio
n a
nd stre
ngth check. Requireme
nts for machi
ng processes, assembly procedures a
nd safety corrosio
n, a
nd co
ns for ma
ng, tra
n a
nd i
n. To draw the blisters drawi
ng i
n accorda
ncewith the desig
n requireme
nts a
nd provide tech
nical requireme
nts. I
n the process of bubble colum
n structure desig
n, to desig
n for the sta
ndard specificatio
n desig
n, make a desig
n to complywith releva
nt sta
ndards, at the same time to meet the productio
n requireme
nts a
nd co
nform to the requireme
nts of the safety i
n productio
n. Keywords bubble cap tower; Be
ne- tolue
ne; Desig
n; Stre
ngth 目录 1绪论1 1.1塔设备的概述1 1.1.1塔设备在化工生产中的作用与地位1 1.1.2化工生产对塔设备的要求1 1.1.3塔设备的构造1 1.2泡罩塔2 1.3液体混合物的分馏4 1.4塔设备设计的内容与设计原则4 1.4.1设计内容4 1.4.2设计原则4 2泡罩塔的主体结构及零部件结构设计6 2.1泡罩塔的主体结构设计6 2.2泡罩塔的零部件结构设计7 2.2.1泡罩塔材料的选择7 2.2.2塔盘的结构设计7 2.2.3分块式塔盘的支撑结构8 2.2.4裙座的结构设计8 3泡罩塔其他附属装置的结构设计10 3.1溢流装置10 3.1.1降液管10 3.1.2受液盘10 3.2进出口管装置12 3.2.1进料管12 3.2.2出料管12 3.3人孔与手孔12 3.4视镜13 3.5液面计13 3.6法兰13 3.7补强圈13 3.8除沫器13 4强度计算与校核及各项验算15 4.1泡罩塔的设计参数15 4.2塔体壁厚初算15 4.2.1圆筒壁厚计算15 4.2.2封头壁厚计算16 4.3塔体各项载荷计算16 4.3.1质量载荷计算16 4.3.2风载荷计算18 4.3.3地震载荷计算20 4.3.4最大弯矩计算22 4.4.塔体的强度及轴向稳定性验算22 4.4.1圆筒轴向应力的计算22 4.4.2圆筒轴向稳定性校核22 4.4.3圆筒拉应力校核23 4.4.4塔体液压试验时的应力校核23 4.5.裙座的设计及验算24 4.5.1座体24 4.5.2基础环26 4.5.3地脚螺栓27 4.6裙座与塔体对接焊缝的验算27 5加工工艺和装配程序及安全防腐29 5.1加工工艺29 5.2装配程序29 5.3安全防腐29 5.3.1开发耐蚀材料29 5.3.2其他表面工程技术30 6泡罩塔的制造、安装及运输31 6.1材料检验31 6.2筒体制造31 6.2.1筒体的下料31 6.2.2筒节的成形31 6.2.3筒节的组对31 6.2.4筒节与筒节的组对焊接31 6.2.5筒体主焊缝的检测32 6.3封头的制造32 6.4泡罩塔的安装32 6.4.1安装前的准备32 6.4.2安装程序33 6.5泡罩塔的运输33 参考文献34 致谢35 附录36
n plate-type tower i
n i
ndustrywas the bubble tower,which has bee
nwidely used for more tha
n two hu
ndredyears. Bubble colum
n because of its large elasticity of operatio
n, large productio
n capacity, high plate efficie
not easy jam a
nd ca
n adapt to avariety of adva
ntages, such as medium, so bubble colum
n has importa
nt positio
n i
n the field of distillatio
n, absorptio
n, etc. Bubble colum
n are the shortcomi
ngs of complex structure, high cost, i
n a
nd mai
nce of trouble the gas phase pressure drop is bigger, so that bubble colum
n i
n the applicatio
n of moder
n i
ndustrial proportio
n has decreased. But bubble cover tower appears early, accumulate rich experie
nce, commo
n bubble cover alreadyvery sta
ndard, its fu
n a
nd the adva
ntage also have a lot of plate tower ca
not replace part. The classificatio
n of bubble cap tray is divided i
nto a si
ngle flowsheet tray a
nd a bar tray,which is still a
n i
ntegral part of i
ndustrial productio
n. This research topic is the teacher give
n bubble colum
n desig
n requireme
nts, its effect is mai
nly used for separati
ng mixed be
ne- tolue
ne solutio
n, by looki
ng at the data, readi
ng books for i
n, a
nalysis of the give
n desig
n co
ns, through some calculatio
n to determi
ne the structure of the bubble colum
n, the desig
n of mai
n part desig
n, mecha
nical desig
n of the tower. Through the a
nalysis of the desig
n co
n of the bubble cap tower, the desig
n method a
nd the procedure are determi
ned. I
n the bubble colum
n tower body parts, i
nal parts, beari
ngs a
nd accessories materialswhe
n the choice, should
not o
nly satisfy the tech
nological desig
n, co
nsider the
natural factors, forwall thick
ness calculatio
n a
nd stre
ngth check. Requireme
nts for machi
ng processes, assembly procedures a
nd safety corrosio
n, a
nd co
ns for ma
ng, tra
n a
nd i
n. To draw the blisters drawi
ng i
n accorda
ncewith the desig
n requireme
nts a
nd provide tech
nical requireme
nts. I
n the process of bubble colum
n structure desig
n, to desig
n for the sta
ndard specificatio
n desig
n, make a desig
n to complywith releva
nt sta
ndards, at the same time to meet the productio
n requireme
nts a
nd co
nform to the requireme
nts of the safety i
n productio
n. Keywords bubble cap tower; Be
ne- tolue
ne; Desig
n; Stre
ngth 目录 1绪论1 1.1塔设备的概述1 1.1.1塔设备在化工生产中的作用与地位1 1.1.2化工生产对塔设备的要求1 1.1.3塔设备的构造1 1.2泡罩塔2 1.3液体混合物的分馏4 1.4塔设备设计的内容与设计原则4 1.4.1设计内容4 1.4.2设计原则4 2泡罩塔的主体结构及零部件结构设计6 2.1泡罩塔的主体结构设计6 2.2泡罩塔的零部件结构设计7 2.2.1泡罩塔材料的选择7 2.2.2塔盘的结构设计7 2.2.3分块式塔盘的支撑结构8 2.2.4裙座的结构设计8 3泡罩塔其他附属装置的结构设计10 3.1溢流装置10 3.1.1降液管10 3.1.2受液盘10 3.2进出口管装置12 3.2.1进料管12 3.2.2出料管12 3.3人孔与手孔12 3.4视镜13 3.5液面计13 3.6法兰13 3.7补强圈13 3.8除沫器13 4强度计算与校核及各项验算15 4.1泡罩塔的设计参数15 4.2塔体壁厚初算15 4.2.1圆筒壁厚计算15 4.2.2封头壁厚计算16 4.3塔体各项载荷计算16 4.3.1质量载荷计算16 4.3.2风载荷计算18 4.3.3地震载荷计算20 4.3.4最大弯矩计算22 4.4.塔体的强度及轴向稳定性验算22 4.4.1圆筒轴向应力的计算22 4.4.2圆筒轴向稳定性校核22 4.4.3圆筒拉应力校核23 4.4.4塔体液压试验时的应力校核23 4.5.裙座的设计及验算24 4.5.1座体24 4.5.2基础环26 4.5.3地脚螺栓27 4.6裙座与塔体对接焊缝的验算27 5加工工艺和装配程序及安全防腐29 5.1加工工艺29 5.2装配程序29 5.3安全防腐29 5.3.1开发耐蚀材料29 5.3.2其他表面工程技术30 6泡罩塔的制造、安装及运输31 6.1材料检验31 6.2筒体制造31 6.2.1筒体的下料31 6.2.2筒节的成形31 6.2.3筒节的组对31 6.2.4筒节与筒节的组对焊接31 6.2.5筒体主焊缝的检测32 6.3封头的制造32 6.4泡罩塔的安装32 6.4.1安装前的准备32 6.4.2安装程序33 6.5泡罩塔的运输33 参考文献34 致谢35 附录36