DN1300湍球塔设计 摘要 这几年来,除尘设备不断发展,湍球塔作为其中一员也有它自己的历程。在湍球塔中填料处于流化状态,这是湍球塔在气液传质设备当中应用了流化床的原理。湍球塔有很多的特点,比如它处理废气能力比较大,当然它的气体流速也是相当的高,气体和液体在塔内的遍布也是比较均匀的,并且塔的结构也是很合理的,这样就不会发生粘性物料堵塞的现象。但因为球的湍动会在每一段有一定程度的返混,所以用于塔板数不多的情况。并且由于湍球塔里面的小球大多数情况下是用塑料作为材料制造而成,所以在太高的操作温度下小球会不可控的老化变形。 本次设计湍球塔,在老师的指导和室友的相互照应下先是去图书馆借了充足的除尘设备的书籍,通过学习弄明白湍球塔的工作原理和大致情况,确定主体结构和零部件结构的设计,对载荷、强度进行计算和验算,以达到设计标准,并要绘制湍球塔相关的图纸,给出设计要求。在设计过程不仅要着眼于标准数据,还要考虑外来因素和自然因素,使设计符合相关标准、安全和制造等各方面的要求。 关键词:湍球塔;湍动;除尘;结构 ABSTRACT I
n rece
ntyears, dust removal equipme
nt has bee
n developi
ng, a
nd the turbule
nt tower has its ow
n course as o
ne of them. The packed material i
n the turbule
nt sphere tower is fluidized,which is the pri
nciple of the fluidized bed used i
n the gas liquid mass tra
nsfer equipme
nt. The turbule
nt sphere tower has ma
ny characteristics. For example, it has a relatively large capacity to dealwith exhaust gas. Of course, its gas flow rate is also quite high, a
nd the gas a
nd liquid flow i
n the tower are also relatively u
niform, a
nd the structure of the tower is alsovery reaso
nable. I
n thisway, the phe
n ofviscous material blockagewill
not occur. However, because the turbule
nce of the ball has a certai
n degree of backmixi
ng i
n each sectio
n, it is used i
n the case of few trays. A
nd because of the turbule
nce i
nside the tower, Most of the pellets are made of plastic, so the ball ca
n deform u
ntrollably at too high operati
ng temperatures. The desig
n of the turbule
nt sphere tower,U
nder the guida
nce of the teacher, he firstwe
nt to the library to borrow e
nough books.,To u
nd theworki
ng pri
nciple a
nd ge
neral situatio
n of the turbule
nt ball tower by lear
ng,To determi
ne the desig
n of the mai
n structure a
nd the structure of the parts, to calculate a
nd check the load a
nd stre
ngth i
n order to reach the desig
n sta
nd to draw the turbule
nce tower related drawi
ngs, give the desig
n requireme
n the desig
n process,we should
not o
nly focus o
n sta
ndard data, but also co
nsider exter
nal factors a
natural factors.Make desig
n co
nform to releva
nt sta
ndards, safety a
nd ma
ng requireme
nts. Keywords:turbule
nt sphere tower; turbule
nce; dust elimi
n; structure 目录 1概论1 1.1塔设备的概述1 1.1.1塔设备在化工生产中的作用和地位1 1.1.2塔设备的分类及一般构造2 1.1.3对塔设备的要求4 1.2湍球塔4 1.3塔设备的设计任务及设计原则5 1.3.1设计要求5 1.3.2设计原则5 1.4除尘5 2湍球塔设计6 2.1确定结构参数6 2.1.1小球直径6 2.1.2静止床层高度7 2.1.3板间距7 2.1.4临界速度9 2.1.5装的小球数量9 2.1.6喷淋密度9 2.1.7持液量9 2.1.8支承板10 2.2压力损失10 2.3除尘效率11 2.4除沫器11 2.5喷淋装置11 2.5.1喷淋型液体分布装置11 2.5.2冲击型喷淋装置12 2.5.3溢流型喷淋装置12 3其他装置13 3.1裙座13 3.1.1裙座与塔体的连接14 3.1.2地脚螺栓座15 3.1.3检查孔17 3.1.4排气孔17 3.2筒体18 3.3封头19 3.3人孔和手孔20 3.3.1人孔20 3.3.2手孔20 3.4法兰20 3.5进气管21 3.6出气管22 3.7吊耳22 4塔的强度计算与校核23 4.1湍球塔的设计参数23 4.2筒体强度的计算与校核23 4.2.1载荷计算23 4.2.2塔的自振周期计算24 4.2.3风弯矩计算24 4.2.4验算筒体拉应力及稳定25 4.2.5验算筒体水压试验时的应力26 4.2.6计算地震弯矩27 4.3裙座的强度计算和校核27 4.3.1裙座圈计算27 4.3.2地脚螺栓计算28 4.3.3基础环的计算29 4.3.4对接焊缝的校核30 5湍球塔的制造、安装及运输31 5.1制造的要求31 5.1.1冷热变形31 5.1.2材料检验31 5.2组装与制造31 5.3焊接和其特点32 5.4热处理32 5.5检验设备33 5.6运输33 参考文献34 致谢35
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