The heat excha
nger is avery importa
nt e
ng device that ca
n greatly i
ncrease the efficie
ncy of e
nergy use. It iswidely used i
nvarious fields such as petroleum, chemical i
ndustry, power, a
nd metallurgy. It occupies a particularly importa
nt positio
n i
n the
nal eco
nomy, especially i
ng. Today, sustai
nable developme
nt has made e
nergy co
n a
nd e
ntal protectio
n the mai
n theme of i
ndustrial developme
nt. Heat excha
ngers are particularly importa
nt i
n the applicatio
n of mitigatio
n of e
nergy shortages. Research i
ns at home a
nd abroad, u
niversities a
nd colleges have always attached great importa
nce to the study of heat excha
ngers. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of the missio
n stateme
nt, this desig
n a
nd desig
n object is a F280 packi
ng heat excha
nger,which is mai
nly for the process calculatio
n of the heat excha
nger, the structure of the heat excha
nger a
nd the desig
n of the stre
ngth. The mai
n process of this desig
n is divided i
nto three parts. The first part is the process calculatio
n part,which mai
nly co
nsists of a give
n heat excha
nge area a
nd other parameters. The heat excha
nger is selected, the heat tra
nsfer coefficie
nt is calibrated, a
nd the required shell is calculated. Thevarious parts of the structure, a
nd the i
nitial selectio
n ofvarious parameters of the structure, such as the size of the material, etc.; the seco
nd part is about the desig
n a
n of the structure a
nd stre
ngth, mai
nly for the stress calculatio
n of the selected parts of the desig
n; The part is to explai
n the ma
ng a
nd i
n of heat excha
ngers, a
n a
nd the mai
nce of the later stage. After repeated modificatio
n of the structural desig
n parameters a
nd drawi
ng drawi
ngs, the desig
n of the filler heat excha
ngerwas completed. Keywords: stuffi
ng box ;stre
ng ;a
n 目录 1概述1 1.1设计背景1 1.2.换热器的分类1 1.2.1按照作用原理和实现传热的方式分类1 1.2.2按使用目的分类2 1.2.3按照传热面的形状和材料分类2 1.3管壳式换热器(列管式换热器) 2 1.4设计的任务3 2 F280填料函式换热器结构选择4 2.1 F280填料函式换热器设计工艺参数及要求4 2.1.1烟道气的物性5 2.2.2水的物性5 2.1.3流体空间的选择5 2.2换热器结构与结构参数的选择5 2.2.1换热管尺寸5 2.2.2换热管数量6 2.2.3换热管的排列和管心距6 2.2.4换热管的材料7 2.2.5壳体7 2.3进出口设计9 2.3.1接管接管伸出长度) 9 2.3.2接管与筒体、管箱壳体的连接9 2.3.3排气、排液管9 2.4接管最小位置10 2.4.1壳程接管位置的最小尺寸10 2.4.2管箱接管位置最小尺寸10 2.5管板11 2.5.1管板结构选择11 2.5.2管板的计算12 2.5.1最小厚度13 2.6管箱13 2.6.1管箱结构形式13 2.6.2管箱材料的选择14 2.7壳体与管板的连接结构15 2.7.1容器法兰的结构选择15 2.7.2容器法兰的参数选择15 2.7.3外头盖法兰、外头盖侧法兰与外头盖垫片、浮头垫片16 2.8管板与管箱的连接16 2.9管板与换热管的连接16 2.9.1胀接17 2.9.2焊接17 2.9.3胀焊结合17 2.9.4焊接方法及结构17 3 F280填料函式式换热器其他各部件结构18 3.1折流板与支承板18 3.1.1折流板的主要几何参数18 3.1.2折流板的最小厚度18 3.1.3折流板的管孔19 3.1.4折流板外直径及允许偏差19 3.1.5折流板间距19 3.2防冲与导流20 3.2.1防冲板的结构20 3.2.2防冲板的位置和尺寸21 3.3拉杆与定距管21 3.3.1拉杆的结构和尺寸21 3.3.2拉杆的布置23 3.3.3定距管尺寸23 3.4纵向隔板23 3.5封头、法兰以及鞍座的选择23 3.5.1封头的选用23 3.5.2法兰结构类型23 3.5.3鞍座的选择24 4填料函式换热器部分强度设计及校核25 4.1法兰的强度校核25 4.1.1垫片25 4.1.2螺栓25 4.1.3法兰26 4.1.4法兰设计力矩27 4.2管板厚度计算27 4.2.1管板参数计算27 4.2.2结构尺寸27 4.2.3管板应力计算28 4.2.4操作力力矩29 4.2.5法兰预紧力30 4.3径向应力30 4.3.1计算设计力矩M和管板延长部分的法兰应力30 4.3.2应力校核31 管程设计压力Pt = 1.05MPa,PS = 0MPa: 31 4.4管子与管板连接拉脱力的校核32 4.4.1换热管轴向应力32 4.4.2换热管与管板连接拉脱力32 4.5开孔补强的计算33 4.5.1概述33 4.5.2壳体开孔补强33 4.6压力试验33 4.6.1管程圆筒33 4.6.2壳程圆筒34 5填料函式换热器的制造、安装、检验、防腐,清洗和维修35 5.1概述35 5.2材料验收35 5.3填料函式换热器的制造35 5.3.1壳体圆筒35 5.3.2管箱35 5.3.3管板36 5.3.4管孔加工36 5.3.5换热管道的组装36 5.4换热器的安装36 5.5清洗36 5.6换热器的防腐37 5.6.1换热管的防腐37 5.6.2管子与管板、折流板连接处的腐蚀37 5.7填料函式换热器的操作与维护37 5.7.1换热器的正确使用37 5.7.2换热器的科学管理37 5.8换热器的定期检验38 5.8.1外部检查38 5.8.2内部检查38 5.8.3全面检查39 总结40 致谢41
nger is avery importa
nt e
ng device that ca
n greatly i
ncrease the efficie
ncy of e
nergy use. It iswidely used i
nvarious fields such as petroleum, chemical i
ndustry, power, a
nd metallurgy. It occupies a particularly importa
nt positio
n i
n the
nal eco
nomy, especially i
ng. Today, sustai
nable developme
nt has made e
nergy co
n a
nd e
ntal protectio
n the mai
n theme of i
ndustrial developme
nt. Heat excha
ngers are particularly importa
nt i
n the applicatio
n of mitigatio
n of e
nergy shortages. Research i
ns at home a
nd abroad, u
niversities a
nd colleges have always attached great importa
nce to the study of heat excha
ngers. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of the missio
n stateme
nt, this desig
n a
nd desig
n object is a F280 packi
ng heat excha
nger,which is mai
nly for the process calculatio
n of the heat excha
nger, the structure of the heat excha
nger a
nd the desig
n of the stre
ngth. The mai
n process of this desig
n is divided i
nto three parts. The first part is the process calculatio
n part,which mai
nly co
nsists of a give
n heat excha
nge area a
nd other parameters. The heat excha
nger is selected, the heat tra
nsfer coefficie
nt is calibrated, a
nd the required shell is calculated. Thevarious parts of the structure, a
nd the i
nitial selectio
n ofvarious parameters of the structure, such as the size of the material, etc.; the seco
nd part is about the desig
n a
n of the structure a
nd stre
ngth, mai
nly for the stress calculatio
n of the selected parts of the desig
n; The part is to explai
n the ma
ng a
nd i
n of heat excha
ngers, a
n a
nd the mai
nce of the later stage. After repeated modificatio
n of the structural desig
n parameters a
nd drawi
ng drawi
ngs, the desig
n of the filler heat excha
ngerwas completed. Keywords: stuffi
ng box ;stre
ng ;a
n 目录 1概述1 1.1设计背景1 1.2.换热器的分类1 1.2.1按照作用原理和实现传热的方式分类1 1.2.2按使用目的分类2 1.2.3按照传热面的形状和材料分类2 1.3管壳式换热器(列管式换热器) 2 1.4设计的任务3 2 F280填料函式换热器结构选择4 2.1 F280填料函式换热器设计工艺参数及要求4 2.1.1烟道气的物性5 2.2.2水的物性5 2.1.3流体空间的选择5 2.2换热器结构与结构参数的选择5 2.2.1换热管尺寸5 2.2.2换热管数量6 2.2.3换热管的排列和管心距6 2.2.4换热管的材料7 2.2.5壳体7 2.3进出口设计9 2.3.1接管接管伸出长度) 9 2.3.2接管与筒体、管箱壳体的连接9 2.3.3排气、排液管9 2.4接管最小位置10 2.4.1壳程接管位置的最小尺寸10 2.4.2管箱接管位置最小尺寸10 2.5管板11 2.5.1管板结构选择11 2.5.2管板的计算12 2.5.1最小厚度13 2.6管箱13 2.6.1管箱结构形式13 2.6.2管箱材料的选择14 2.7壳体与管板的连接结构15 2.7.1容器法兰的结构选择15 2.7.2容器法兰的参数选择15 2.7.3外头盖法兰、外头盖侧法兰与外头盖垫片、浮头垫片16 2.8管板与管箱的连接16 2.9管板与换热管的连接16 2.9.1胀接17 2.9.2焊接17 2.9.3胀焊结合17 2.9.4焊接方法及结构17 3 F280填料函式式换热器其他各部件结构18 3.1折流板与支承板18 3.1.1折流板的主要几何参数18 3.1.2折流板的最小厚度18 3.1.3折流板的管孔19 3.1.4折流板外直径及允许偏差19 3.1.5折流板间距19 3.2防冲与导流20 3.2.1防冲板的结构20 3.2.2防冲板的位置和尺寸21 3.3拉杆与定距管21 3.3.1拉杆的结构和尺寸21 3.3.2拉杆的布置23 3.3.3定距管尺寸23 3.4纵向隔板23 3.5封头、法兰以及鞍座的选择23 3.5.1封头的选用23 3.5.2法兰结构类型23 3.5.3鞍座的选择24 4填料函式换热器部分强度设计及校核25 4.1法兰的强度校核25 4.1.1垫片25 4.1.2螺栓25 4.1.3法兰26 4.1.4法兰设计力矩27 4.2管板厚度计算27 4.2.1管板参数计算27 4.2.2结构尺寸27 4.2.3管板应力计算28 4.2.4操作力力矩29 4.2.5法兰预紧力30 4.3径向应力30 4.3.1计算设计力矩M和管板延长部分的法兰应力30 4.3.2应力校核31 管程设计压力Pt = 1.05MPa,PS = 0MPa: 31 4.4管子与管板连接拉脱力的校核32 4.4.1换热管轴向应力32 4.4.2换热管与管板连接拉脱力32 4.5开孔补强的计算33 4.5.1概述33 4.5.2壳体开孔补强33 4.6压力试验33 4.6.1管程圆筒33 4.6.2壳程圆筒34 5填料函式换热器的制造、安装、检验、防腐,清洗和维修35 5.1概述35 5.2材料验收35 5.3填料函式换热器的制造35 5.3.1壳体圆筒35 5.3.2管箱35 5.3.3管板36 5.3.4管孔加工36 5.3.5换热管道的组装36 5.4换热器的安装36 5.5清洗36 5.6换热器的防腐37 5.6.1换热管的防腐37 5.6.2管子与管板、折流板连接处的腐蚀37 5.7填料函式换热器的操作与维护37 5.7.1换热器的正确使用37 5.7.2换热器的科学管理37 5.8换热器的定期检验38 5.8.1外部检查38 5.8.2内部检查38 5.8.3全面检查39 总结40 致谢41