This desig
n is based o
n the CNC milli
ng machi
neworks, accordi
ng to the desig
n task give
n the size of thework to desig
n a relatively simple eco
nomic XY CNC milli
ng machi
ne table. First, determi
ne the overall desig
n: i
ng a prelimi
nary a
nalysis of the Guideway,screw
nut, deceleratio
n device selectio
n a
nd co
ntrol system desig
n, a
nd the
n draw age
neral scheme i
n Figure. Seco
ndly, the calculatio
n a
nd selectio
n of mecha
nical drive compo
nts: theweight of movi
ng parts i
n the rail estimates, the calculatio
n of the milli
ng force, li
near rolli
ng the Guideway the calculatio
n a
nd selectio
n of, the calculatio
n a
nd selectio
n of the ball screw
nut, step i
nto the motor to the gearbox selectio
n, calculatio
n a
nd selectio
n of the stepper motor. This sectio
n as the desig
n focus a great deal of a
nalysis, calculatio
n a
nd checki
ng, a
nd fi
nally get to meet the ma
ndate of the size of the job requireme
nts. The
n, the co
ntrol system of the XY table to choose. The desig
n of the mai
n selectio
n of the 8051 microco
ntroller to co
ntrol, a
nd simple assembly programmi
ng. Fi
nally, the co
ntrol system desig
n. Here mai
nly through i
nto the tra
n system to the hardware circuit desig
n, a
nd draw the co
ntrol system block diagram; the
n a
nalyzed a
nd chose
n stepper motor drive power. Keywords:CNC milli
ng machi
ne; co
ntrol system; overall desig
n 目录 摘要Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 绪论1 1国内外现状1 2选题的意义1 3选题的目的2 数控机床基础3 1数控机床的产生与发展3 1.1数控机床的产生3 1.2数控机床的发展概况4 1.3我国数控机床发展概况5 1.4数控机床的发展趋势6 2数控机床的概念及组成6 1.1数控机床的概念6 2.2数控机床的组成6 3数控机床的种类与应用9 3.1按机床运动轨迹进行分类10 3.2.按伺服系统类型进行分类11 3.3.按工艺用途进行分类13 3.4按数控系统功能水平进行分类14 4数控机床加工的特点及应用15 4.1数控机床加工特点15 4.2数控机床的应用16 工作台设计18 1设计任务18 1.1设计题目18 2整体方案的确定19 2.1系统总体框图19 2.2系统运动方式和伺服系统19 2.3机械部件的计算及选择19 2.4计算机控制系统的选择19 3机械设计部分20 3.1工作台重量初步估算20 3.2铣削力的计算20 3.3直线滚动导轨副的计算和选择21 3.4滚珠丝杠螺母副的计算和选择22 3.5步进电动机的计算及型号选择24 4控制系统的硬件选择29 4.1数控系统的硬件电路由以下几部分组成29 4.2主控制器CPU的选择30 4.3存储器扩展电路设计31 5数控系统电路设计31 6系统控制软件的设计32 结论38 参考文献39 致谢49
n is based o
n the CNC milli
ng machi
neworks, accordi
ng to the desig
n task give
n the size of thework to desig
n a relatively simple eco
nomic XY CNC milli
ng machi
ne table. First, determi
ne the overall desig
n: i
ng a prelimi
nary a
nalysis of the Guideway,screw
nut, deceleratio
n device selectio
n a
nd co
ntrol system desig
n, a
nd the
n draw age
neral scheme i
n Figure. Seco
ndly, the calculatio
n a
nd selectio
n of mecha
nical drive compo
nts: theweight of movi
ng parts i
n the rail estimates, the calculatio
n of the milli
ng force, li
near rolli
ng the Guideway the calculatio
n a
nd selectio
n of, the calculatio
n a
nd selectio
n of the ball screw
nut, step i
nto the motor to the gearbox selectio
n, calculatio
n a
nd selectio
n of the stepper motor. This sectio
n as the desig
n focus a great deal of a
nalysis, calculatio
n a
nd checki
ng, a
nd fi
nally get to meet the ma
ndate of the size of the job requireme
nts. The
n, the co
ntrol system of the XY table to choose. The desig
n of the mai
n selectio
n of the 8051 microco
ntroller to co
ntrol, a
nd simple assembly programmi
ng. Fi
nally, the co
ntrol system desig
n. Here mai
nly through i
nto the tra
n system to the hardware circuit desig
n, a
nd draw the co
ntrol system block diagram; the
n a
nalyzed a
nd chose
n stepper motor drive power. Keywords:CNC milli
ng machi
ne; co
ntrol system; overall desig
n 目录 摘要Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 绪论1 1国内外现状1 2选题的意义1 3选题的目的2 数控机床基础3 1数控机床的产生与发展3 1.1数控机床的产生3 1.2数控机床的发展概况4 1.3我国数控机床发展概况5 1.4数控机床的发展趋势6 2数控机床的概念及组成6 1.1数控机床的概念6 2.2数控机床的组成6 3数控机床的种类与应用9 3.1按机床运动轨迹进行分类10 3.2.按伺服系统类型进行分类11 3.3.按工艺用途进行分类13 3.4按数控系统功能水平进行分类14 4数控机床加工的特点及应用15 4.1数控机床加工特点15 4.2数控机床的应用16 工作台设计18 1设计任务18 1.1设计题目18 2整体方案的确定19 2.1系统总体框图19 2.2系统运动方式和伺服系统19 2.3机械部件的计算及选择19 2.4计算机控制系统的选择19 3机械设计部分20 3.1工作台重量初步估算20 3.2铣削力的计算20 3.3直线滚动导轨副的计算和选择21 3.4滚珠丝杠螺母副的计算和选择22 3.5步进电动机的计算及型号选择24 4控制系统的硬件选择29 4.1数控系统的硬件电路由以下几部分组成29 4.2主控制器CPU的选择30 4.3存储器扩展电路设计31 5数控系统电路设计31 6系统控制软件的设计32 结论38 参考文献39 致谢49