nuous casti
ng tech
nology bega
n to develop i
n the 20th ce
ntury 50’s,a
nd usedwidely i
n 60's, the late 70’s met the perfected of developme
nt of equipme
nt a
nd tech
nology. Chi
na experie
nced the arc casti
ng machi
ne successfully i
n 1960 the first time. The crystallizerwidth adjustme
nt system is the heart of co
nuous casti
ng machi
ne allows co
nuous casti
ng machi
ne i
n the case of
n-stop machi
ne to produce billets of differe
ntwidths. The desig
n of the crystallizer
narrow sidewidth modulated drive system is actually usi
ng bevel gear-worm gear reducer drive system. Do
ne by the motor drive
n by coupli
ng the motor a
nd bevel gear co
nected together a
nd drive
n bevel gear a
ndworm shaft rotatio
n, the
n torque to theworm, the
n theworm a
nd helical gears li
nked by a spi
ndle, to adjust thewide side of the crystallizer. The mai
n co
nts to be completed of this desig
n are thewhole crystallizerwidth drive
n system, the motor selectio
n, the parts’ desig
n such as bevel gears,worm a
ndwormwheel, shafts, beari
ngs a
nd so o
n,various of compo
nts’ calculati
ng a
nd checki
ng, assemble drawi
ngs a
nd sketches of each drawi
ng. After selecti
ng the electio
n motors,we should look-up the table to determi
ne the size of its i
n. Bevel gears,worm gear desig
need to distribute of tra
n ratio. Whe
n distribute, i
n accorda
ncewith the requireme
nts of thework o
n the part allocated. Desig
n of high-speed shaft, low speed shaft, a
nd thework of the calculati
ng of shaft mi
nimum diameter is esse
ntial. Keywords: Co
nuous casti
ng; Crystallizer; Width adjustme
nt; Narrow side; drive
n desig
n 目录 1绪论1 1.1课题研究的意义和目的1 1.1.1课题的研究意义1 1.1.2课题的目的1 1.2结晶器调宽控制系统发展概况1 1.3结晶器及调宽装置的分类2 1.3.1结晶器的分类2 1.3.2调宽装置和方式的分类3 1.4设计内容3 1.5结晶器的主要参数4 1.6本章小结4 2传动方案的总体设计5 2.1传动方案的确定5 2.2选择电动机6 2.2.1确定电动机的功率6 2.2.2电机型号的选择8 2.3计算总传动比和分配传动比8 2.3.1计算总传动比8 2.3.2传动比的分配9 2.4传动装置的运动和动力参数的计算9 2.4.1各轴的转速计算9 2.4.2各轴的输入功率计算9 2.4.3各轴的输入转矩计算10 2.5选择联轴器10 2.6选择轴承11 2.7本章小结11 3锥齿轮传动的参数确定及几何计算12 3.1齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数的选择计算12 3.1.1锥齿轮类型及精度等级12 3.1.2选择材料12 3.2齿面接触强度设计计算12 3.2.1计算分度圆直径12 3.2.2确定计算参数13 3.2.3圆锥齿轮几何计算13 3.2.4齿面接触强度计算14 3.3齿轮弯曲疲劳强度校核计算15 3.4本章小结17 4蜗轮蜗杆传动设计19 4.1蜗杆传动类型及材料的选择19 4.1.1蜗轮蜗杆材料及传动精度19 4.1.2蜗杆传动类型19 4.2蜗杆传动设计计算19 4.2.1蜗杆基本参数19 4.2.2强度计算20 4.3蜗杆传动主要参数及几何尺寸计算20 4.4蜗轮材料强度校核22 4.4.1齿面接触强度校核22 4.4.2齿根弯曲强度校核23 4.5精度等级公差的确定23 4.6本章小结25 5轴的设计26 5.1高速轴的设计26 5.1.1计算输入轴的功率26 5.1.2轴的转矩26 5.1.3轴的最小直径26 5.1.4轴的结构设计27 5.1.5确定轴上零件的周向定位27 5.1.6确定轴上圆角和倒角尺寸27 5.1.6轴的强度校核27 5.2低速轴的设计30 5.2.1计算输入轴的功率30 5.2.2初步确定轴的最小直径30 5.2.3轴的结构设计30 5.2.4确定轴上零件的周向定位31 5.2.5确定轴上圆角和倒角尺寸31 5.2.6低速轴的强度校核31 5.5心轴的初步设计33 5.5.1计算输入轴的功率33 5.5.2初步确定轴的最小直径33 5.6本章小结34 6总结及展望35 参考文献36 致谢37 附录38
nuous casti
ng tech
nology bega
n to develop i
n the 20th ce
ntury 50’s,a
nd usedwidely i
n 60's, the late 70’s met the perfected of developme
nt of equipme
nt a
nd tech
nology. Chi
na experie
nced the arc casti
ng machi
ne successfully i
n 1960 the first time. The crystallizerwidth adjustme
nt system is the heart of co
nuous casti
ng machi
ne allows co
nuous casti
ng machi
ne i
n the case of
n-stop machi
ne to produce billets of differe
ntwidths. The desig
n of the crystallizer
narrow sidewidth modulated drive system is actually usi
ng bevel gear-worm gear reducer drive system. Do
ne by the motor drive
n by coupli
ng the motor a
nd bevel gear co
nected together a
nd drive
n bevel gear a
ndworm shaft rotatio
n, the
n torque to theworm, the
n theworm a
nd helical gears li
nked by a spi
ndle, to adjust thewide side of the crystallizer. The mai
n co
nts to be completed of this desig
n are thewhole crystallizerwidth drive
n system, the motor selectio
n, the parts’ desig
n such as bevel gears,worm a
ndwormwheel, shafts, beari
ngs a
nd so o
n,various of compo
nts’ calculati
ng a
nd checki
ng, assemble drawi
ngs a
nd sketches of each drawi
ng. After selecti
ng the electio
n motors,we should look-up the table to determi
ne the size of its i
n. Bevel gears,worm gear desig
need to distribute of tra
n ratio. Whe
n distribute, i
n accorda
ncewith the requireme
nts of thework o
n the part allocated. Desig
n of high-speed shaft, low speed shaft, a
nd thework of the calculati
ng of shaft mi
nimum diameter is esse
ntial. Keywords: Co
nuous casti
ng; Crystallizer; Width adjustme
nt; Narrow side; drive
n desig
n 目录 1绪论1 1.1课题研究的意义和目的1 1.1.1课题的研究意义1 1.1.2课题的目的1 1.2结晶器调宽控制系统发展概况1 1.3结晶器及调宽装置的分类2 1.3.1结晶器的分类2 1.3.2调宽装置和方式的分类3 1.4设计内容3 1.5结晶器的主要参数4 1.6本章小结4 2传动方案的总体设计5 2.1传动方案的确定5 2.2选择电动机6 2.2.1确定电动机的功率6 2.2.2电机型号的选择8 2.3计算总传动比和分配传动比8 2.3.1计算总传动比8 2.3.2传动比的分配9 2.4传动装置的运动和动力参数的计算9 2.4.1各轴的转速计算9 2.4.2各轴的输入功率计算9 2.4.3各轴的输入转矩计算10 2.5选择联轴器10 2.6选择轴承11 2.7本章小结11 3锥齿轮传动的参数确定及几何计算12 3.1齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数的选择计算12 3.1.1锥齿轮类型及精度等级12 3.1.2选择材料12 3.2齿面接触强度设计计算12 3.2.1计算分度圆直径12 3.2.2确定计算参数13 3.2.3圆锥齿轮几何计算13 3.2.4齿面接触强度计算14 3.3齿轮弯曲疲劳强度校核计算15 3.4本章小结17 4蜗轮蜗杆传动设计19 4.1蜗杆传动类型及材料的选择19 4.1.1蜗轮蜗杆材料及传动精度19 4.1.2蜗杆传动类型19 4.2蜗杆传动设计计算19 4.2.1蜗杆基本参数19 4.2.2强度计算20 4.3蜗杆传动主要参数及几何尺寸计算20 4.4蜗轮材料强度校核22 4.4.1齿面接触强度校核22 4.4.2齿根弯曲强度校核23 4.5精度等级公差的确定23 4.6本章小结25 5轴的设计26 5.1高速轴的设计26 5.1.1计算输入轴的功率26 5.1.2轴的转矩26 5.1.3轴的最小直径26 5.1.4轴的结构设计27 5.1.5确定轴上零件的周向定位27 5.1.6确定轴上圆角和倒角尺寸27 5.1.6轴的强度校核27 5.2低速轴的设计30 5.2.1计算输入轴的功率30 5.2.2初步确定轴的最小直径30 5.2.3轴的结构设计30 5.2.4确定轴上零件的周向定位31 5.2.5确定轴上圆角和倒角尺寸31 5.2.6低速轴的强度校核31 5.5心轴的初步设计33 5.5.1计算输入轴的功率33 5.5.2初步确定轴的最小直径33 5.6本章小结34 6总结及展望35 参考文献36 致谢37 附录38