ne tools arewidely used i
n the i
ndustry. It is used to machi
ne shafts, bushi
ngs, tur
ng surfaces a
nd rotati
ng surfaces of disc parts. The machi
ne bed is a
n importa
nt part of the machi
ne. The key parts of the machi
newill be placed o
n the machi
ne bed a
nd rails to facilitate relative moveme
nt. I
n the machi
ng process, the i
n betwee
n thework piece a
nd the tool causes the bed to deform. The deformatio
n a
nd the positio
n of the bedwill cause the accuracy of thework piece to be cha
nged. As a key part of the machi
ne bed, the guide rail has four parts, half ofwhich are guide rails for the carriage, a
nd the rest are used for carryi
ng a
nd guidi
ng. This article mai
nly focuses o
n the machi
ne tool bed process a
nd the processi
ng guide fixture. The fixture is a
n adjusti
ng device that ca
n adjust the positio
n of the bed guide rail o
n each surface for processi
ng. The fixture desig
ned this time adopts the ge
ne-sided two-pi
n” positio
ng method. This positio
ng method is a commo
n positio
ng method. O
ne surface a
nd two pi
ns are used to limit the displaceme
nt of the part i
n six directio
ns, a
nd thework piece ca
n be clamped. This e
nsures that it ca
n be tightly fixed o
n the fixture. I
n order to e
nable the bed body to be adjusted i
n terms of the positio
n of the clamp, this desig
n ca
n be used to match the gri
ngwheelwith the best a
ngular positio
n. A screw tra
n rodwas specifically desig
ned to adjust the displaceme
nt of the bed i
n the horizo
ntal directio
n. Thevertical displaceme
nt of the bed ca
n be adjusted by co
ng the displaceme
nt of thewedge through the cooperatio
n of a threaded bushi
ng a
nd a screw. Keywords: machi
ne tool bed; guide rail; parts 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1机床夹具概述1 1.2机床功能概述1 1.3国内外机床夹具发展历程和趋势1 1.4夹具的工作方法与特点2 第二章零件的分析3 2.1零件的作用3 2.2零件的工艺分析3 第三章工艺规程设计4 3.1确定毛坯的制造形式4 3.2基准的确定4 3.2.1粗基准的确定4 3.2.2精基准的选择4 3.3制订工艺路线4 3.4机械加工伴随毛坯尺寸选取5 3.4.1敲准零件毛坯的尺寸公差等级5 3.4.2毛坯大小: 5 第四章确定切削的用量和基本所需工时7 4.1工序1粗刨床身底面7 4.1.1切削用量的挑选7 4.1.2计算切削时间7 4.2工序2粗铣导轨和它的结合面8 4.2.1粗铣导轨面8 4.2.2计算切削时间9 4.2.3计算铣削力9 4.2.4校核机床功率10 4.3工序3粗铣结合面B 10 4.3.1切削用量的选择10 4.3.2计算切削时间11 4.3.3计算铣削力11 4.3.4校核机床功率12 4.4工序4半精刨底面12 4.4.1切削用量的挑取12 4.5工序5半精铣床身导轨面,内外侧面及结合面13 4.5.1半精铣导轨面13 4.5.2计算切削时间14 4.5.3分析处理铣削力14 4.5.4校核机床功率15 4.6半精铣齿条安装面15 4.6.1切削用量的挑取15 4.6.2分析处理切削时间16 4.6.3计算铣削力16 4.6.4校核机床功率16 4.7工序6精刨齿条安装面17 4.7.1精刨床身底面17 4.7.2精刨齿条安装面18 4.8工序7钻齿条安装孔锥孔19 4.8.1切削用量的挑取19 4.8.2分析处理切削扭矩19 4.8.3分析处理得出轴向力20 4.8.4分析得出切削功率20 4.9工序8钻床身安装孔() 20 4.9.1钻削用量的挑取21 4.9.2计算轴向力21 4.9.3分析得出切削功率22 4.10工序9细磨床头箱定位拼装平台22 4.10.1砂轮的挑取22 4.10.2切削用量挑取22 4.10.3计算切削工时23 4.11工序10、粗、精磨导轨23 4.11.1砂轮的挑取24 4.11.2切削用量的选择24 4.11.3计算切削工时24 第五章夹具设计26 5.1问题的提出26 5.2操作原理26 5.3非标准件的计算与选取26 5.3.1滚子心轴的计算与选取26 5.3.2支承轴的计算与选取27 5.3.3螺旋传动轴的分析计算与校核28 5.3.4铅垂凋节力的分析处理29 5.3.5导轨的分析与选取31 5.4安装调试及维护31 5.4.1安装31 5.4.2修整32 5.4.3维护32 第六章结论33 致谢34 参考文献35
ne tools arewidely used i
n the i
ndustry. It is used to machi
ne shafts, bushi
ngs, tur
ng surfaces a
nd rotati
ng surfaces of disc parts. The machi
ne bed is a
n importa
nt part of the machi
ne. The key parts of the machi
newill be placed o
n the machi
ne bed a
nd rails to facilitate relative moveme
nt. I
n the machi
ng process, the i
n betwee
n thework piece a
nd the tool causes the bed to deform. The deformatio
n a
nd the positio
n of the bedwill cause the accuracy of thework piece to be cha
nged. As a key part of the machi
ne bed, the guide rail has four parts, half ofwhich are guide rails for the carriage, a
nd the rest are used for carryi
ng a
nd guidi
ng. This article mai
nly focuses o
n the machi
ne tool bed process a
nd the processi
ng guide fixture. The fixture is a
n adjusti
ng device that ca
n adjust the positio
n of the bed guide rail o
n each surface for processi
ng. The fixture desig
ned this time adopts the ge
ne-sided two-pi
n” positio
ng method. This positio
ng method is a commo
n positio
ng method. O
ne surface a
nd two pi
ns are used to limit the displaceme
nt of the part i
n six directio
ns, a
nd thework piece ca
n be clamped. This e
nsures that it ca
n be tightly fixed o
n the fixture. I
n order to e
nable the bed body to be adjusted i
n terms of the positio
n of the clamp, this desig
n ca
n be used to match the gri
ngwheelwith the best a
ngular positio
n. A screw tra
n rodwas specifically desig
ned to adjust the displaceme
nt of the bed i
n the horizo
ntal directio
n. Thevertical displaceme
nt of the bed ca
n be adjusted by co
ng the displaceme
nt of thewedge through the cooperatio
n of a threaded bushi
ng a
nd a screw. Keywords: machi
ne tool bed; guide rail; parts 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1机床夹具概述1 1.2机床功能概述1 1.3国内外机床夹具发展历程和趋势1 1.4夹具的工作方法与特点2 第二章零件的分析3 2.1零件的作用3 2.2零件的工艺分析3 第三章工艺规程设计4 3.1确定毛坯的制造形式4 3.2基准的确定4 3.2.1粗基准的确定4 3.2.2精基准的选择4 3.3制订工艺路线4 3.4机械加工伴随毛坯尺寸选取5 3.4.1敲准零件毛坯的尺寸公差等级5 3.4.2毛坯大小: 5 第四章确定切削的用量和基本所需工时7 4.1工序1粗刨床身底面7 4.1.1切削用量的挑选7 4.1.2计算切削时间7 4.2工序2粗铣导轨和它的结合面8 4.2.1粗铣导轨面8 4.2.2计算切削时间9 4.2.3计算铣削力9 4.2.4校核机床功率10 4.3工序3粗铣结合面B 10 4.3.1切削用量的选择10 4.3.2计算切削时间11 4.3.3计算铣削力11 4.3.4校核机床功率12 4.4工序4半精刨底面12 4.4.1切削用量的挑取12 4.5工序5半精铣床身导轨面,内外侧面及结合面13 4.5.1半精铣导轨面13 4.5.2计算切削时间14 4.5.3分析处理铣削力14 4.5.4校核机床功率15 4.6半精铣齿条安装面15 4.6.1切削用量的挑取15 4.6.2分析处理切削时间16 4.6.3计算铣削力16 4.6.4校核机床功率16 4.7工序6精刨齿条安装面17 4.7.1精刨床身底面17 4.7.2精刨齿条安装面18 4.8工序7钻齿条安装孔锥孔19 4.8.1切削用量的挑取19 4.8.2分析处理切削扭矩19 4.8.3分析处理得出轴向力20 4.8.4分析得出切削功率20 4.9工序8钻床身安装孔() 20 4.9.1钻削用量的挑取21 4.9.2计算轴向力21 4.9.3分析得出切削功率22 4.10工序9细磨床头箱定位拼装平台22 4.10.1砂轮的挑取22 4.10.2切削用量挑取22 4.10.3计算切削工时23 4.11工序10、粗、精磨导轨23 4.11.1砂轮的挑取24 4.11.2切削用量的选择24 4.11.3计算切削工时24 第五章夹具设计26 5.1问题的提出26 5.2操作原理26 5.3非标准件的计算与选取26 5.3.1滚子心轴的计算与选取26 5.3.2支承轴的计算与选取27 5.3.3螺旋传动轴的分析计算与校核28 5.3.4铅垂凋节力的分析处理29 5.3.5导轨的分析与选取31 5.4安装调试及维护31 5.4.1安装31 5.4.2修整32 5.4.3维护32 第六章结论33 致谢34 参考文献35