At first, the overall scheme desig
n forweb offset pri
ng machi
ne,whichwill determi
ne the overall layout,web offset pri
ng machi
ne the
n, carries o
n the desig
n to the spool assembly. This paper i
ntroduces theworki
ng pri
nciple of the reel a
nd some key tech
nologies. The
n, the overall desig
n structure of the
new reelwas reaso
nably determi
ned, the structure of each part of the reelwas desig
ned, a
ndvarious desig
n materials such as assembly drawi
ngs, part drawi
ngs a
nd reel desig
n specificatio
nswere produced. Fi
nally, detailed data a
nalysis a
nd systemverificatio
n of the rotati
ng shaft a
nd beari
ng structure of the reel are carried out. The calculatio
n results show that the desig
n of the reel structure of the machi
ne fully meets the requireme
nts. This topic isweb offest press based o
n the market at prese
nt, refere
nce commo
nly usedweb glui
ng machi
ne desig
n, carries o
n the desig
n to the commo
n structure of cyli
nder a
nd clutch pressure. Clutch by refere
nce to similar machi
ne impleme
n of the plate a
nd bla
nket clampi
ng a
nd locki
ng, drum pressure a
nd pressure; the rotatio
n of the roller ca
n realize ma
nual a
nd electric; the o
n-off pressure mecha
nism ca
n use ma
nual a
nd p
neumatic two forms. A pri
ng plate cyli
nder clampi
ng mecha
nism adopts a
narrow slit type, bla
nket clampi
ng the spli
nt; clutch pressure, pressure regulati
ng si
ngle ecce
ntric mecha
nism. A
nd the establishme
nt of theweb offset glui
ng device of solid model i
n software. Keywords:web offset glui
ng device, model 目录 中文摘要3 英文摘要4 1、引言1 1.1概述1 1.2工作原理1 1.3国内外研究现状2 1.4卷筒纸胶印机的发展趋势3 2、卷筒纸上胶装置机构设计5 2.1上胶装置机构的工作原理5 2.2调压机构6 2.3上胶装置中的限位装置7 2.4结构设计及运动分析7 3、卷筒纸上胶装置零部件设计10 3.1气缸支座的设计校核10 3.2轴的设计及强度校核12 3.2.1轴强度计算12 3.2.2轴的疲劳强度校核13 3.2.3轴的接触应力校核15 3.3圆柱销的设计与校核16 3.4气缸拨叉的校核17 3.5气缸的设计计算18 3.6气缸的校核21 3.7螺栓的校核22 结语24 参考文献25 后记26
n forweb offset pri
ng machi
ne,whichwill determi
ne the overall layout,web offset pri
ng machi
ne the
n, carries o
n the desig
n to the spool assembly. This paper i
ntroduces theworki
ng pri
nciple of the reel a
nd some key tech
nologies. The
n, the overall desig
n structure of the
new reelwas reaso
nably determi
ned, the structure of each part of the reelwas desig
ned, a
ndvarious desig
n materials such as assembly drawi
ngs, part drawi
ngs a
nd reel desig
n specificatio
nswere produced. Fi
nally, detailed data a
nalysis a
nd systemverificatio
n of the rotati
ng shaft a
nd beari
ng structure of the reel are carried out. The calculatio
n results show that the desig
n of the reel structure of the machi
ne fully meets the requireme
nts. This topic isweb offest press based o
n the market at prese
nt, refere
nce commo
nly usedweb glui
ng machi
ne desig
n, carries o
n the desig
n to the commo
n structure of cyli
nder a
nd clutch pressure. Clutch by refere
nce to similar machi
ne impleme
n of the plate a
nd bla
nket clampi
ng a
nd locki
ng, drum pressure a
nd pressure; the rotatio
n of the roller ca
n realize ma
nual a
nd electric; the o
n-off pressure mecha
nism ca
n use ma
nual a
nd p
neumatic two forms. A pri
ng plate cyli
nder clampi
ng mecha
nism adopts a
narrow slit type, bla
nket clampi
ng the spli
nt; clutch pressure, pressure regulati
ng si
ngle ecce
ntric mecha
nism. A
nd the establishme
nt of theweb offset glui
ng device of solid model i
n software. Keywords:web offset glui
ng device, model 目录 中文摘要3 英文摘要4 1、引言1 1.1概述1 1.2工作原理1 1.3国内外研究现状2 1.4卷筒纸胶印机的发展趋势3 2、卷筒纸上胶装置机构设计5 2.1上胶装置机构的工作原理5 2.2调压机构6 2.3上胶装置中的限位装置7 2.4结构设计及运动分析7 3、卷筒纸上胶装置零部件设计10 3.1气缸支座的设计校核10 3.2轴的设计及强度校核12 3.2.1轴强度计算12 3.2.2轴的疲劳强度校核13 3.2.3轴的接触应力校核15 3.3圆柱销的设计与校核16 3.4气缸拨叉的校核17 3.5气缸的设计计算18 3.6气缸的校核21 3.7螺栓的校核22 结语24 参考文献25 后记26