Abstract With the fast developme
nt of moder
n society, our tech
nology co
nues to progress, huma
n race
needs more a
nd more e
nergy. Chi
na’s reform a
nd ope
ng-up policy has made great progress i
n ma
ny fields i
n the past 30 years, by the same time our dema
nd for e
nergy has grow
n up. Heat e
nergy occupied the most perce
ntage of the e
nergy we used. Most of heat was made by the combustio
n of fossil fuels, this process will produce gree
nhouse gases, a
nd it will i
nce our e
nt. At the begi
ng of the 21th, Chi
nese gover
nt advocate for low-carbo
n e
nt, it is
not a good idea for bli
ndly bur
ng large amou
nts of fossil fuels to meet our dema
nd for heat e
nergy. We
need to i
ncrease the efficie
ncy of thermal e
nergy, make full use of heat by quality. So that we ca
n get e
nough e
nergy by the same time we
need less fossil fuels. My desig
n targets o
n the recovery of boil waste heat, through the heat pipe heat excha
nger to reduce the small boiler flue gas temperature. As a
new tech
nology, Heat Pipe was widely ack
nowledged by e
neers i
n ma
ny fields, a
nd take great importa
nce o
n this tech
nology. Heat pipe ca
n be used i
n aerospace, atomic reactors, electro
nics, applia
nces, motors, solar e
nergy, light i
ndustry, chemical i
ndustry a
nd other fields. The co
ncept of the heat pipe was firstly proposed by Los Alamos Scie
ntific Laboratory i
n America. It was widely discovered a
nd used si
nce we proposed the co
ncept. Especially i
n the society of Chi
na, we call for e
nergy co
n. Heat pipe tech
nology was widely used i
n i
ndustry such as i
ndustrial boilers, kil
ns. I desig
ned a gravity Heat Pipe, a
nd I have carried out a check for the resista
nce of heat tra
nsfer a
nd the amou
nt of heat tra
nsfer together with the allowable stress. It meets well to the desig
n requirme
nts. The desig
n is divided i
nto five chapters, The first a
nd seco
nd chapter i
ntroduces heat excha
nger types a
nd applicatio
ns, followed chapters i
ntroduces the heat pipe excha
nger desig
n a
nd use. Key words Waste heat recovery heat excha
nger Heat pipe Heat pipe desig
n 目录 第一章换热器1 1.1换热器的分类1 1.2冷水塔1 1.3回转型蓄热式热交换器2 第二章热管4 2.1热管的结构4 2.1.1管壳5 2.2.2吸液芯5 2.2.3蒸汽空间5 2.2.4翅片5 2.2热管的工作原理6 2.3热管的工作极限6 2.3.1黏性极限7 2.3.2音速极限7 2.3.3携带极限8 2.3. 4毛细极限8 2.3.5沸腾极限9 2.4热管换热器的分类9 2.4.1气气热管换热器9 2.4.2气液热管换热器9 2.4.3气汽热管换热器9 第三章热管的设计10 3.1给定参数10 3.2热管的基本选择10 3.2.1工质的选择10 3.2.2管材的选择11 3.2.3管子的布置11 3.3机构设计12 3.3.1入口流速的选择12 3.3.2经济长度比的选择12 3.3.3气体侧的迎风面积13 3.3.4换热系数的选择13 3.3.5平均温差14 3.3.6传热面积的计算14 3.4精确计算14 第四章热管计算15 4.1烟气与水15 4.2热管的基本选择16 4.3热管的安装17 4.4管径和扩展面的选择17 4.5端盖厚度19 4.6烟气入口质量流速的选择19 4.7迎风面积和传热面积19 第五章传热计算21 5.1基础数据21 5.2热管外壁的传热系数21 5.2.1蒸发段传热系数21 5.2.2冷凝段传热系数23 5.2.3经济长度比的计算23 5.3热管内的传热系数23 5.4积灰热阻的计算24 5.5对数平均温度25 5.6估算传热面积25 5.7管子的数目及排列方式25 5.8水侧管程的计算26 5.9管箱和分层隔板的设计27 第六章校核计算28 6.1烟气侧阻力计算28 6.2水侧的阻力计算28 6.3壁温计算28 6.4热管强度28 总结30 致谢31 参考文献: 32
nt of moder
n society, our tech
nology co
nues to progress, huma
n race
needs more a
nd more e
nergy. Chi
na’s reform a
nd ope
ng-up policy has made great progress i
n ma
ny fields i
n the past 30 years, by the same time our dema
nd for e
nergy has grow
n up. Heat e
nergy occupied the most perce
ntage of the e
nergy we used. Most of heat was made by the combustio
n of fossil fuels, this process will produce gree
nhouse gases, a
nd it will i
nce our e
nt. At the begi
ng of the 21th, Chi
nese gover
nt advocate for low-carbo
n e
nt, it is
not a good idea for bli
ndly bur
ng large amou
nts of fossil fuels to meet our dema
nd for heat e
nergy. We
need to i
ncrease the efficie
ncy of thermal e
nergy, make full use of heat by quality. So that we ca
n get e
nough e
nergy by the same time we
need less fossil fuels. My desig
n targets o
n the recovery of boil waste heat, through the heat pipe heat excha
nger to reduce the small boiler flue gas temperature. As a
new tech
nology, Heat Pipe was widely ack
nowledged by e
neers i
n ma
ny fields, a
nd take great importa
nce o
n this tech
nology. Heat pipe ca
n be used i
n aerospace, atomic reactors, electro
nics, applia
nces, motors, solar e
nergy, light i
ndustry, chemical i
ndustry a
nd other fields. The co
ncept of the heat pipe was firstly proposed by Los Alamos Scie
ntific Laboratory i
n America. It was widely discovered a
nd used si
nce we proposed the co
ncept. Especially i
n the society of Chi
na, we call for e
nergy co
n. Heat pipe tech
nology was widely used i
n i
ndustry such as i
ndustrial boilers, kil
ns. I desig
ned a gravity Heat Pipe, a
nd I have carried out a check for the resista
nce of heat tra
nsfer a
nd the amou
nt of heat tra
nsfer together with the allowable stress. It meets well to the desig
n requirme
nts. The desig
n is divided i
nto five chapters, The first a
nd seco
nd chapter i
ntroduces heat excha
nger types a
nd applicatio
ns, followed chapters i
ntroduces the heat pipe excha
nger desig
n a
nd use. Key words Waste heat recovery heat excha
nger Heat pipe Heat pipe desig
n 目录 第一章换热器1 1.1换热器的分类1 1.2冷水塔1 1.3回转型蓄热式热交换器2 第二章热管4 2.1热管的结构4 2.1.1管壳5 2.2.2吸液芯5 2.2.3蒸汽空间5 2.2.4翅片5 2.2热管的工作原理6 2.3热管的工作极限6 2.3.1黏性极限7 2.3.2音速极限7 2.3.3携带极限8 2.3. 4毛细极限8 2.3.5沸腾极限9 2.4热管换热器的分类9 2.4.1气气热管换热器9 2.4.2气液热管换热器9 2.4.3气汽热管换热器9 第三章热管的设计10 3.1给定参数10 3.2热管的基本选择10 3.2.1工质的选择10 3.2.2管材的选择11 3.2.3管子的布置11 3.3机构设计12 3.3.1入口流速的选择12 3.3.2经济长度比的选择12 3.3.3气体侧的迎风面积13 3.3.4换热系数的选择13 3.3.5平均温差14 3.3.6传热面积的计算14 3.4精确计算14 第四章热管计算15 4.1烟气与水15 4.2热管的基本选择16 4.3热管的安装17 4.4管径和扩展面的选择17 4.5端盖厚度19 4.6烟气入口质量流速的选择19 4.7迎风面积和传热面积19 第五章传热计算21 5.1基础数据21 5.2热管外壁的传热系数21 5.2.1蒸发段传热系数21 5.2.2冷凝段传热系数23 5.2.3经济长度比的计算23 5.3热管内的传热系数23 5.4积灰热阻的计算24 5.5对数平均温度25 5.6估算传热面积25 5.7管子的数目及排列方式25 5.8水侧管程的计算26 5.9管箱和分层隔板的设计27 第六章校核计算28 6.1烟气侧阻力计算28 6.2水侧的阻力计算28 6.3壁温计算28 6.4热管强度28 总结30 致谢31 参考文献: 32