Tower equipme
nt is chemical, oil refi
ng, pharmaceutical a
nd other importa
nt productio
n equipme
nt widely used i
n the i
ndustry. This desig
n is the float valve tower, the float valve tower i
n the operatio
n flexibility, the tower plate efficie
ncy, the pressure drop, the productio
n capacity a
nd the equipme
nt cost a
nd so o
n aspects are comparatively superior, is chemical productio
n i
n o
ne of the mai
n mass tra
nsfer equipme
n the calculatio
n, the desig
n scheme is first determi
ned, a
nd the
n the stre
ngth a
nd the stability of the tower are calculated.. Mai
nly i
ncludes the drum body a
nd skirt thick
ness calculatio
n, calculate the quality of tower, tower of self vibratio
n period calculatio
n, calculatio
n of earthquake load a
nd be
ng mome
nt calculatio
n a
nd wi
nd load a
nd wi
nd mome
nt; cyli
nder to check, skirt stability check, the fou
n ri
ng, a
nchor bolts, stiffe
ned plate, cover plate to the desig
n calculatio
n, checki
ng the fi
nal weld o
n the skirt a
nd tower shell. The
next sectio
n of ma
nholes a
nd ma
nhole, reboiler i
nlet kettle liquid i
nto the reboiler i
nlet, steam outlet at the top of the tower, reflux liquid i
nlet, i
nlet, kettle liquid out of the discharge hole for the rei
nt calculatio
n. The calculatio
n of the above calculatio
n is qualified, the stre
ngth a
nd the stability of the calculatio
n are calculated a
nd checked.. The tower is suitable for the She
ng area, the earthquake i
nsity of 7 earthquake, the earthquake grouped for the first group, the grou
nd soil category is two ki
nd of. Worki
ng pressure 1.9MPa, worki
ng temperature 80. The mai
n medium is propyle
ne, propa
ne, a
nd other flammable substa
nces.. The tower is a type III pressure vessel, welded joi
nts usi
ng double-sided butt welded joi
nts, 100%
n-destructive testi
ng. The tower height of 32.5m, tower diameter 1800mm, tower shell wall thick
ness of 20mm tube made of Q345R material, the skirt made of Q235A material. The 50 layer double overflow tray, tray spaci
ng 600mm. The maximum mass of the tower is 116701.3kg, the maximum hoisti
ng quality is 94328kg, the full volume is 97.477m3. Keywords: float valve tower; structure; stability;graduatio
n desig
n 目录 第一章概述1 1.1课题研究现状1 1.2设计内容1 1.2.1设计内容概述1 1.2.2设计内容2 1.2.3塔设备机械设计的基本要求2 1.2.4设计要求3 1.2.5设计参数4 第二章塔设备材料选取5 2.1压力容器用材的基本要求5 2.1.1选材基本要求5 2.1.2选材的原则5 2.2塔体材料的选取6 2.3裙座材料的选取6 第三章塔体的结构设计及计算7 3.1塔体和封头厚度计算7 3.1.1塔体厚度计算7 3.1.2塔体厚度计算8 3.2.塔设备质量载荷计算9 3.3塔器的基本自振周期19 3.4地震载荷和弯矩计算19 3.4.1地震载荷计算19 3.4.2地震弯矩计算23 3.5风载荷和风弯矩的计算24 3.5.1风载荷计算24 3.5.2风弯矩计算29 3.6最大弯矩计算30 3.7圆筒应力校核30 3.8裙座设计32 3.9液压试验时的应力校核(校核II-II截面) 34 3.10基础环设计35 3.11地脚螺栓计算36 3.12筋板设计37 3.13盖板设计38 3.14裙座与塔壳连接焊缝验算(对接焊缝) 38 3.15各侧线管径及接管法兰设计39 3.16开孔补强计算40 3.16.1补强的判据40 3.16.2对检查孔进行补强40 3.16.3对人孔进行补强41 3.16.4对再沸器入口进行补强42 3.16.5对塔顶蒸汽出口进行补强44 3.16.6对回流液入口进行补强45 参考文献47 致谢48 附录49
nt is chemical, oil refi
ng, pharmaceutical a
nd other importa
nt productio
n equipme
nt widely used i
n the i
ndustry. This desig
n is the float valve tower, the float valve tower i
n the operatio
n flexibility, the tower plate efficie
ncy, the pressure drop, the productio
n capacity a
nd the equipme
nt cost a
nd so o
n aspects are comparatively superior, is chemical productio
n i
n o
ne of the mai
n mass tra
nsfer equipme
n the calculatio
n, the desig
n scheme is first determi
ned, a
nd the
n the stre
ngth a
nd the stability of the tower are calculated.. Mai
nly i
ncludes the drum body a
nd skirt thick
ness calculatio
n, calculate the quality of tower, tower of self vibratio
n period calculatio
n, calculatio
n of earthquake load a
nd be
ng mome
nt calculatio
n a
nd wi
nd load a
nd wi
nd mome
nt; cyli
nder to check, skirt stability check, the fou
n ri
ng, a
nchor bolts, stiffe
ned plate, cover plate to the desig
n calculatio
n, checki
ng the fi
nal weld o
n the skirt a
nd tower shell. The
next sectio
n of ma
nholes a
nd ma
nhole, reboiler i
nlet kettle liquid i
nto the reboiler i
nlet, steam outlet at the top of the tower, reflux liquid i
nlet, i
nlet, kettle liquid out of the discharge hole for the rei
nt calculatio
n. The calculatio
n of the above calculatio
n is qualified, the stre
ngth a
nd the stability of the calculatio
n are calculated a
nd checked.. The tower is suitable for the She
ng area, the earthquake i
nsity of 7 earthquake, the earthquake grouped for the first group, the grou
nd soil category is two ki
nd of. Worki
ng pressure 1.9MPa, worki
ng temperature 80. The mai
n medium is propyle
ne, propa
ne, a
nd other flammable substa
nces.. The tower is a type III pressure vessel, welded joi
nts usi
ng double-sided butt welded joi
nts, 100%
n-destructive testi
ng. The tower height of 32.5m, tower diameter 1800mm, tower shell wall thick
ness of 20mm tube made of Q345R material, the skirt made of Q235A material. The 50 layer double overflow tray, tray spaci
ng 600mm. The maximum mass of the tower is 116701.3kg, the maximum hoisti
ng quality is 94328kg, the full volume is 97.477m3. Keywords: float valve tower; structure; stability;graduatio
n desig
n 目录 第一章概述1 1.1课题研究现状1 1.2设计内容1 1.2.1设计内容概述1 1.2.2设计内容2 1.2.3塔设备机械设计的基本要求2 1.2.4设计要求3 1.2.5设计参数4 第二章塔设备材料选取5 2.1压力容器用材的基本要求5 2.1.1选材基本要求5 2.1.2选材的原则5 2.2塔体材料的选取6 2.3裙座材料的选取6 第三章塔体的结构设计及计算7 3.1塔体和封头厚度计算7 3.1.1塔体厚度计算7 3.1.2塔体厚度计算8 3.2.塔设备质量载荷计算9 3.3塔器的基本自振周期19 3.4地震载荷和弯矩计算19 3.4.1地震载荷计算19 3.4.2地震弯矩计算23 3.5风载荷和风弯矩的计算24 3.5.1风载荷计算24 3.5.2风弯矩计算29 3.6最大弯矩计算30 3.7圆筒应力校核30 3.8裙座设计32 3.9液压试验时的应力校核(校核II-II截面) 34 3.10基础环设计35 3.11地脚螺栓计算36 3.12筋板设计37 3.13盖板设计38 3.14裙座与塔壳连接焊缝验算(对接焊缝) 38 3.15各侧线管径及接管法兰设计39 3.16开孔补强计算40 3.16.1补强的判据40 3.16.2对检查孔进行补强40 3.16.3对人孔进行补强41 3.16.4对再沸器入口进行补强42 3.16.5对塔顶蒸汽出口进行补强44 3.16.6对回流液入口进行补强45 参考文献47 致谢48 附录49