关键词:合成; PVC; VC;反应釜;设计
This is the desig
n of 38m structural steel jacket stir ta
nk reactor, the desig
n based o
n the origi
nal data a
nd releva
nt i
n a
nd releva
nt docume
nts a
nd complete the material bala
nce, heat bala
nce from it. This desig
n is i
ncludes a ma
nual, four drawi
ngs. Stirred ta
nk reactor is mai
nly composed of the cyli
nder a
nd the jacket , mostly i
n medium a
nd low-pressure vessels. The mixi
ng device composed by a stirrer a
nd agitator shaft. The geari
ng is set for the stirri
ng device, mai
nly co
nsists of motor, reducer, coupli
ngs a
nd shafts a
nd other compo
nts; seal device is dy
namic seal, ge
nerally use mecha
nical seal or packi
ng. All of them with support, ma
nholes, a
nd other accessories with the takeover process co
nstitute a complete stirred ta
nk reactor. The co
nt of I
ns: 1. PVC i
n. 2. Uses a
nd characteristics of the reactor. 3. Material bala
nce, heat bala
nce. 4. Major equipme
nt desig
n a
nd the selectio
n of sizes. 5. Stre
ngth calculatio
n. Four drawi
ngs: 1. drawi
ng of Reactor assembly. 2.Reactor vessel body parts drawi
ng. 3.Drive shaft parts drawi
ng. Keywords: sy
nthetic; PVC; VC; reactor; desig
n 目录 第一章概述1 1.1设计的目的和意义1 1.2国内、外现状及发展趋势1 1.3课题的主要工作3 第二章工艺计算7 2.1物料衡算7 2.2热量衡算8 2.3釜体工艺尺寸的确定12 2.4搅拌器的设计14 2.5安全阀的选择及计算16 2.6工艺接管的计算和选择17 第三章强度计算21 3.1釜体、夹套的机械设计21 3.2开孔补强计算23 3.3釜体设备支撑结构的计算24 3.4釜体设备起吊结构的计算25 3.5搅拌轴的设计25 3.6轴承的选择及寿命的计算. 27 3.7机架及联轴器的设计29 3.8气密性实验. 30 3.9轴封(机械密封)的原理及选型. 30 3.10人孔设计31 参考文献32 致谢33
n of 38m structural steel jacket stir ta
nk reactor, the desig
n based o
n the origi
nal data a
nd releva
nt i
n a
nd releva
nt docume
nts a
nd complete the material bala
nce, heat bala
nce from it. This desig
n is i
ncludes a ma
nual, four drawi
ngs. Stirred ta
nk reactor is mai
nly composed of the cyli
nder a
nd the jacket , mostly i
n medium a
nd low-pressure vessels. The mixi
ng device composed by a stirrer a
nd agitator shaft. The geari
ng is set for the stirri
ng device, mai
nly co
nsists of motor, reducer, coupli
ngs a
nd shafts a
nd other compo
nts; seal device is dy
namic seal, ge
nerally use mecha
nical seal or packi
ng. All of them with support, ma
nholes, a
nd other accessories with the takeover process co
nstitute a complete stirred ta
nk reactor. The co
nt of I
ns: 1. PVC i
n. 2. Uses a
nd characteristics of the reactor. 3. Material bala
nce, heat bala
nce. 4. Major equipme
nt desig
n a
nd the selectio
n of sizes. 5. Stre
ngth calculatio
n. Four drawi
ngs: 1. drawi
ng of Reactor assembly. 2.Reactor vessel body parts drawi
ng. 3.Drive shaft parts drawi
ng. Keywords: sy
nthetic; PVC; VC; reactor; desig
n 目录 第一章概述1 1.1设计的目的和意义1 1.2国内、外现状及发展趋势1 1.3课题的主要工作3 第二章工艺计算7 2.1物料衡算7 2.2热量衡算8 2.3釜体工艺尺寸的确定12 2.4搅拌器的设计14 2.5安全阀的选择及计算16 2.6工艺接管的计算和选择17 第三章强度计算21 3.1釜体、夹套的机械设计21 3.2开孔补强计算23 3.3釜体设备支撑结构的计算24 3.4釜体设备起吊结构的计算25 3.5搅拌轴的设计25 3.6轴承的选择及寿命的计算. 27 3.7机架及联轴器的设计29 3.8气密性实验. 30 3.9轴封(机械密封)的原理及选型. 30 3.10人孔设计31 参考文献32 致谢33