Titleφ7.05× 14 Dopper Shell Drawi
ng Formi
ng Process a
nd Die Desig
n Abstract: I
n this paper, the process characteristics a
nd tech
nical requireme
nts of capacitor copper shell deep drawi
ng are a
nalyzed i
n detail. Accordi
ng to the productio
n requireme
nts, multi-statio
n deep drawi
ng formi
ng process a
nd progressive die productio
n are adopted. The progressive die has 13workstatio
ns, such as pu
ng, 4 times drawi
ng, pu
ng, shapi
ng a
nd trimmi
ng. The desig
n process i
ncludes drawi
ng part drawi
ngs, part process a
nalysis, process layout desig
n, calculatio
n of bla
ng force a
nd drawi
ng force, die structure desig
n a
nd selectio
n of stampi
ng equipme
nt. The die is positio
ned by automatic feedi
ng system a
nd guide pi
n, guided a
nd discharged by floati
ng top pi
n a
nd push rod, suspe
nded by two dischargi
ng boards to preve
nt o
ne dischargi
ng board from dow
nward be
ng a
nd deep drawi
ng, a
nd thi
ng mouth is formed by compou
nd drawi
ng tech
nology at o
ne time. Keywords: deep drawi
ng; progressive die; die desig
n; process a
nalysis; layout 目录 前言1 第一章绪论2 1.1多工位级进模的研究现状及发展趋势2 1.2本课题研究的意义4 第二章工艺设计5 2.1零件介绍5 2.2零件工艺性分析5 2.3工艺方案的确定6 第三章工艺计算7 3.1排样设计7 3.1.1毛坯尺寸计算7 3.1.2确定拉深次数8 3.1.3确定工艺切口8 3.1.4计算各次拉深的半成品尺寸9 3.1.5毛坯排样设计10 3.1.6工序排样12 3.1.7计算材料利用率14 3.2冲压工艺力的计算14 3.2.1冲裁力计算14 3.2.2拉深力的计算15 3.2.3整形力的计算15 3.2.4卸料力、顶件力的计算15 3.3压力中心计算16 第四章模具总体概要设计17 4.1模具概要设计17 4.2模具基本结构形式确定17 4.2.1正倒装结构17 4.2.2定位机构17 4.2.3导向机构18 4.2.4卸料机构18 4.3模具基本尺寸18 4.3.1凹模板周界尺寸18 4.3.2各个模板的尺寸18 4.3.3模架及其组成零件19 4.4模具闭合高度19 4.5模具结构图19 4.6模具工作过程20 第五章模具详细设计22 5.1工作零件22 5.1.1冲裁凸、凹模22 5.1.2拉深凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算26 5.1.3凸模、凹模固定方式27 5.1.4凸模、凹模材料的选用及技术要求28 5.2定位导料零件28 5.2.1推杆(托料柱)和浮顶器28 5.2.2导正销29 5.3卸料零件29 5.4导向零件30 5.5其他零件30 5.5.1模座31 5.5.2模柄31 5.5.3固定板31 5.5.4垫板31 5.5.5螺钉和销钉31 第六章设备选择32 6.1设备的选择32 6.2设备校核33 6.2.1压力行程33 6.2.2.压力机工作台面尺寸33 第七章结论34 7.1研究成果34 7.2特色与创新34 7.3存在的不足34 参考文献35 致谢36
ng Formi
ng Process a
nd Die Desig
n Abstract: I
n this paper, the process characteristics a
nd tech
nical requireme
nts of capacitor copper shell deep drawi
ng are a
nalyzed i
n detail. Accordi
ng to the productio
n requireme
nts, multi-statio
n deep drawi
ng formi
ng process a
nd progressive die productio
n are adopted. The progressive die has 13workstatio
ns, such as pu
ng, 4 times drawi
ng, pu
ng, shapi
ng a
nd trimmi
ng. The desig
n process i
ncludes drawi
ng part drawi
ngs, part process a
nalysis, process layout desig
n, calculatio
n of bla
ng force a
nd drawi
ng force, die structure desig
n a
nd selectio
n of stampi
ng equipme
nt. The die is positio
ned by automatic feedi
ng system a
nd guide pi
n, guided a
nd discharged by floati
ng top pi
n a
nd push rod, suspe
nded by two dischargi
ng boards to preve
nt o
ne dischargi
ng board from dow
nward be
ng a
nd deep drawi
ng, a
nd thi
ng mouth is formed by compou
nd drawi
ng tech
nology at o
ne time. Keywords: deep drawi
ng; progressive die; die desig
n; process a
nalysis; layout 目录 前言1 第一章绪论2 1.1多工位级进模的研究现状及发展趋势2 1.2本课题研究的意义4 第二章工艺设计5 2.1零件介绍5 2.2零件工艺性分析5 2.3工艺方案的确定6 第三章工艺计算7 3.1排样设计7 3.1.1毛坯尺寸计算7 3.1.2确定拉深次数8 3.1.3确定工艺切口8 3.1.4计算各次拉深的半成品尺寸9 3.1.5毛坯排样设计10 3.1.6工序排样12 3.1.7计算材料利用率14 3.2冲压工艺力的计算14 3.2.1冲裁力计算14 3.2.2拉深力的计算15 3.2.3整形力的计算15 3.2.4卸料力、顶件力的计算15 3.3压力中心计算16 第四章模具总体概要设计17 4.1模具概要设计17 4.2模具基本结构形式确定17 4.2.1正倒装结构17 4.2.2定位机构17 4.2.3导向机构18 4.2.4卸料机构18 4.3模具基本尺寸18 4.3.1凹模板周界尺寸18 4.3.2各个模板的尺寸18 4.3.3模架及其组成零件19 4.4模具闭合高度19 4.5模具结构图19 4.6模具工作过程20 第五章模具详细设计22 5.1工作零件22 5.1.1冲裁凸、凹模22 5.1.2拉深凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算26 5.1.3凸模、凹模固定方式27 5.1.4凸模、凹模材料的选用及技术要求28 5.2定位导料零件28 5.2.1推杆(托料柱)和浮顶器28 5.2.2导正销29 5.3卸料零件29 5.4导向零件30 5.5其他零件30 5.5.1模座31 5.5.2模柄31 5.5.3固定板31 5.5.4垫板31 5.5.5螺钉和销钉31 第六章设备选择32 6.1设备的选择32 6.2设备校核33 6.2.1压力行程33 6.2.2.压力机工作台面尺寸33 第七章结论34 7.1研究成果34 7.2特色与创新34 7.3存在的不足34 参考文献35 致谢36