基于S7-200PLC的7层电梯控制系统设计 摘要 可编程序控制器是一种可以编入用户程序,然后通过运行用户程序来完成某种自动化控制的装置。它的核心部件是中央处理器,结合其他先进技术,充分发挥处理器的作用,实现了体积小,功能却精悍的目的。它之所以能够取代继电器,是因为它不仅有超强的逻辑运算能力,还能够完成定时计数等功能,控制系统因为PLC的加入会变得更加柔性化、智能化。 另一方面社会不断发展,人们住宅也变得越来越高,电梯从以前的先进文明的标志成为人类生活中不可缺少的事物。电梯大家都用过,但是其控制系统大家可能并不熟悉,优秀的算法程序可以让电梯物尽其用,让人们在最短的时间内乘坐电梯到达家中。PLC作为电梯控制系统的大脑,简便的程序可以让大脑运行更快。本文将以7层7站交流双速电梯的PLC控制为例,详细介绍西门子PLC如何控制电梯的运行。 关键词:PLC西门子电梯机电一体化 Abstract Programmable logic co
ntroller(PLC) is a device that ca
n realize i
ndustrial automatio
n co
ntrolwith the ce
ntral processor as the mai
n compo
nt a
nd combi
nedwith other adva
nced tech
nologies. It ca
n replace the relay because it
not o
nly has super stro
ng logic operatio
n ability, but also ca
n complete the fu
n of timi
ng cou
ng. The co
ntrol system becomes more flexible a
nd i
nt because of the additio
n of PLC. O
n the other ha
nd, the society co
nues to develop, a
nd the people's houses have become more a
nd more high. The elevator has become a
n i
nsable thi
ng i
n huma
n life from the sig
n of the adva
nced civilizatio
n. Elevator is o
ne of the symbol results of mechatro
nics. All the elevator has bee
n used, but the co
ntrol system may
not be familiar to everyo
ne. The excelle
nt algorithm ca
n make the elevator make the best use of the elevator a
nd let the people take the elevator to the home i
n the shortest time. PLC as the brai
n of the elevator co
ntrol system, the simple program ca
n make the brai
n ru
n faster. This articlewill take the PLC co
ntrol of the 7 layer 7 statio
n AC double speed elevator as a
n example, a
nd i
ntroduces how the SIEMENS PLC co
ntrols the operatio
n of the elevator i
n detail. Keywords: PLC SIEMENS elevator mecha
nical a
nd electrical i
n 目录 引言1 第一章PLC及电梯简介2 1.1可编程序控制器简介2 1.1.1 PLC的特点2 1.1.2 PLC的分类3 1.2电梯的简介4 第二章系统总体方案设计5 2.1电路设计5 2.1.1交流双速电梯的的主拖动电路5 2.1.2门机电路、抱闸电路、门锁以及安全回路6 2.2电梯的主要电气设备7 2.2.1曳引电动机7 2.2.2自动门机8 2.2.3层楼指示8 2.2.4呼梯盒8 2.2.5操纵箱8 2.2.6平层停层及开门装置9 2.2.7其他设备9 2.3 PLC程序设计思路11 2.3.1 PLC程序的编制方法11 2.3.2电梯运行对控制信号的要求13 2.3.3可编程序控制器输入输出部分13 2.3.4 I/O点的确定以及PLC选型14 2.3系统控梯形图设计17 2.4辅助继电器汇总20 2.5梯形图汇总20 2.5安全设置20 第三章程序模拟21 第四章设计小结24 附录25 参考文献35 谢辞36
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