The desig
n of the apple tree seedli
ng machi
ne Abstract Chi
na's apple pla
ng area ra
nks first i
n the world. I
n my cou
ntry, the cultivatio
n of apple tree seedli
ngs is developi
ng i
n the directio
n of scale a
nd sta
n. I
n the cultivatio
n of fruit trees, the seedli
ng process occupies a
n importa
nt positio
n i
n the emerge
nce of apple tree seedli
ngs. The mecha
n of apple tree seedli
ngs has become a reality i
n ma
ny developed cou
ntries i
n the world. At prese
nt, i
n our cou
ntry, the seedli
ng raisi
ng method used is mai
nly huma
n seedli
ng. The mecha
nized seedli
ng raisi
ng method is
not commo
n. The so-called mecha
nical seedli
ng raisi
ng is o
nly through the ma
nual modificatio
n of ordi
nary agricultural machi
nery to carry out some simple seedli
ng operatio
ns. This ki
nd of mecha
nical seedli
ng raisi
ng operatio
n is very i
nt a
nd co
nsumes a lot of ma
npower. I
n the e
nd, the effect of seedli
ng raisi
ng is
not satisfactory. It
not o
nly damages the roots, but also makes ma
ny fruit trees u
nable to survive. U
nder such realistic co
ns, it is mea
ngful to desig
n a
nd produce a dedicated apple tree seedli
ng machi
ne. This article a
nalyzes the backgrou
nd, purpose, importa
nce a
nd curre
nt developme
nt of apple tree seedli
ngs. Aimi
ng at the tech
nical requireme
nts of my cou
ntry’s seedli
ng cultivatio
n tech
nology a
nd fruit tree afforestatio
n, we use a combi
n of horticulture a
nd agricultural machi
nery tech
nology a
nd refer to the i
n o
n the root growth of apple tree seedli
ngs to desig
n A specific apple fruit tree seedli
ng machi
ne was developed. The seedli
ng shovel of this apple tree seedli
ng machi
ne uses lateral fixatio
n method to excavate, loose
n soil a
nd seedli
ngs of apple tree seedli
ngs. After seedli
ngs, the seedli
ngs are still
neatly arra
nged, a
nd the
n picked up a
nd packed by ma
npower. I
n this paper, the e
ntire structure a
nd various parts of the apple tree seedli
ng lifter are desig
ned, the fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis tech
nology is used to optimize the desig
n of the seedli
ng shovel, a
nd the shape of the seedli
ng shovel is cha
nged from U-shaped to L-shaped, which
not o
nly reduces the quality of the seedli
ng shovel is improved, a
nd the soil resista
nce duri
ng field operatio
ns is also reduced. The moveme
nt of the seedli
ng lifter is realized by the tractor. The power provided by the tractor is 36.8KW, a
nd the operati
ng efficie
ncy of the seedli
ng lifter is 6-8 (trees/sec). Keywords:fruit sapli
ngs; apple seedli
ngs; seedli
ng shovels; parameter optimizatio
n 目录 1绪论1 1.1课题研究的背景1 1.2课题研究的目的和意义1 1.3国内外机械化起苗现状2 1.3.1国外研究现状2 1.3.2国内研究现状2 2苹果树苗木起苗园艺技术4 3技术任务书5 3.1起苗机设计依据5 3.2起苗机设计要求5 3.2.1整机的技术要求5 3.2.2主要零部件要求5 3.3起苗机的总体结构及工作原理5 3.4起苗机的设计原则6 4设计计算说明书7 4.1总体结构及主要技术参数7 4.2起苗铲的设计及优化7 4.2.1起苗铲的设计7 4.2.2起苗铲的三维建模9 4.2.3起苗铲的应力分析9 4.2.4起苗铲的参数优化12 4.3平衡铲的设计15 4.4限深轮的设计15 4.5松土装置的设计16 4.5.1抖土器的设计17 4.5.2减速器的设计17 5使用说明书20 5.1总体结构及主要参数20 5.1.1总体结构20 5.1.2主要参数20 5.2使用与调整21 5.3维护与保养21 5.3.1作业期的维护保养21 5.3.2封存期的维护保养21 6标准化审查报告22 结论23 参考文献24 致谢25
n of the apple tree seedli
ng machi
ne Abstract Chi
na's apple pla
ng area ra
nks first i
n the world. I
n my cou
ntry, the cultivatio
n of apple tree seedli
ngs is developi
ng i
n the directio
n of scale a
nd sta
n. I
n the cultivatio
n of fruit trees, the seedli
ng process occupies a
n importa
nt positio
n i
n the emerge
nce of apple tree seedli
ngs. The mecha
n of apple tree seedli
ngs has become a reality i
n ma
ny developed cou
ntries i
n the world. At prese
nt, i
n our cou
ntry, the seedli
ng raisi
ng method used is mai
nly huma
n seedli
ng. The mecha
nized seedli
ng raisi
ng method is
not commo
n. The so-called mecha
nical seedli
ng raisi
ng is o
nly through the ma
nual modificatio
n of ordi
nary agricultural machi
nery to carry out some simple seedli
ng operatio
ns. This ki
nd of mecha
nical seedli
ng raisi
ng operatio
n is very i
nt a
nd co
nsumes a lot of ma
npower. I
n the e
nd, the effect of seedli
ng raisi
ng is
not satisfactory. It
not o
nly damages the roots, but also makes ma
ny fruit trees u
nable to survive. U
nder such realistic co
ns, it is mea
ngful to desig
n a
nd produce a dedicated apple tree seedli
ng machi
ne. This article a
nalyzes the backgrou
nd, purpose, importa
nce a
nd curre
nt developme
nt of apple tree seedli
ngs. Aimi
ng at the tech
nical requireme
nts of my cou
ntry’s seedli
ng cultivatio
n tech
nology a
nd fruit tree afforestatio
n, we use a combi
n of horticulture a
nd agricultural machi
nery tech
nology a
nd refer to the i
n o
n the root growth of apple tree seedli
ngs to desig
n A specific apple fruit tree seedli
ng machi
ne was developed. The seedli
ng shovel of this apple tree seedli
ng machi
ne uses lateral fixatio
n method to excavate, loose
n soil a
nd seedli
ngs of apple tree seedli
ngs. After seedli
ngs, the seedli
ngs are still
neatly arra
nged, a
nd the
n picked up a
nd packed by ma
npower. I
n this paper, the e
ntire structure a
nd various parts of the apple tree seedli
ng lifter are desig
ned, the fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis tech
nology is used to optimize the desig
n of the seedli
ng shovel, a
nd the shape of the seedli
ng shovel is cha
nged from U-shaped to L-shaped, which
not o
nly reduces the quality of the seedli
ng shovel is improved, a
nd the soil resista
nce duri
ng field operatio
ns is also reduced. The moveme
nt of the seedli
ng lifter is realized by the tractor. The power provided by the tractor is 36.8KW, a
nd the operati
ng efficie
ncy of the seedli
ng lifter is 6-8 (trees/sec). Keywords:fruit sapli
ngs; apple seedli
ngs; seedli
ng shovels; parameter optimizatio
n 目录 1绪论1 1.1课题研究的背景1 1.2课题研究的目的和意义1 1.3国内外机械化起苗现状2 1.3.1国外研究现状2 1.3.2国内研究现状2 2苹果树苗木起苗园艺技术4 3技术任务书5 3.1起苗机设计依据5 3.2起苗机设计要求5 3.2.1整机的技术要求5 3.2.2主要零部件要求5 3.3起苗机的总体结构及工作原理5 3.4起苗机的设计原则6 4设计计算说明书7 4.1总体结构及主要技术参数7 4.2起苗铲的设计及优化7 4.2.1起苗铲的设计7 4.2.2起苗铲的三维建模9 4.2.3起苗铲的应力分析9 4.2.4起苗铲的参数优化12 4.3平衡铲的设计15 4.4限深轮的设计15 4.5松土装置的设计16 4.5.1抖土器的设计17 4.5.2减速器的设计17 5使用说明书20 5.1总体结构及主要参数20 5.1.1总体结构20 5.1.2主要参数20 5.2使用与调整21 5.3维护与保养21 5.3.1作业期的维护保养21 5.3.2封存期的维护保养21 6标准化审查报告22 结论23 参考文献24 致谢25