The Graduatio
n Desig
n for Bachelor's Degree 摘要 在我国汽车保有量越来越大、停车问题越来越严重的情况下,开发适合我国国情的立体车库,是解决停车问题的有效途径。车辆无处停放的问题是城市的社会、经济、交通发展到一定程度产生的结果,我国也于90年代初开始研究开发机械立体停车设备,距今已有近二十年的历程。由于很多新建小区内住户与车位的配比为1:1,为了解决停车位占地面积与住户商用面积的矛盾,立体停车设备以其平均单车占地面积小的独特特性,已被广大用户接受。 在此设计中,通过利用杠杆和链传动曳引活动梁实现对汽车的二层存取。 在完成确保双层车辆均可自由存取的总体框架的设计后,对链传动存取车辆装置及其零部件、活动梁及停车梁等主要结构及其零部件进行计算校核。 该立体车库结构简单,操作方便,成本低廉,比较适合于家庭用户。 关键词:立体车库;杠杆;链传动;曳引;校核 ABSTRACT I
n our cou
ntry, as the automobile amou
nt i
ng ceaselessly, the parki
ng problem becomes more a
nd more serious. A
n effective method to solve the parki
ng problem is to develop the stereoscopic garage which adapts to the curre
nt situatio
n of our cou
ntry. I
n this desig
n, o
ne ca
n use the stereoscopic garage to store a
nd take car i
n a
ny layer of the double-layer garage by the draggi
ng of the movable ridge, which is accomplished by the lifti
ng a
nd loweri
ng of the level a
nd the tra
n of the chai
n. After fi
ng the e
ntire desig
n which e
ng that the cars i
n each layer come i
n a
nd go out freely without causi
ng obstructio
ns to each other, the tractor-drive
n device a
nd its fitti
ngs,as well as the mai
n structure,such as the movable ridge a
nd parki
ng ridge a
nd their fitti
ngs are desig
ned a
n checked. Havi
ng the adva
ntages of the simple structure, co
nt operatio
n a
nd low costs, this stereoscopic garage is a good choice for home users. Key words: Stereoscopic Garage; Level; Tra
n of Chai
n; Tractor-drive
n; Check 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1课题背景1 1.2立体车库研究意义1 1.3立体停车设备国内外发展综述2 1.4主要研究内容2 第2章方案选择及结构设计3 2.1立体车库总体结构设计3 2.1.1车型及车库参数3 2.1.2车库工作流程3 2.2液压系统部件的选择与计算3 2.2.1液压缸的选择与计算3 2.2.2液压泵的选择6 2.2.3泵电动机的选择7 2.3传动部件的选择与计算7 2.3.1减速机的选择7 2.3.2链条的设计8 2.3.3链轮的设计10 2.4轴承和轴承座的类型12 2.4.1轴承的类型12 2.4.2轴承座的类型12 2.5其它主要零件的选择13 2.5.1停车梁的选择13 2.5.2支承梁与活动梁的选择13 2.6本章小结14 第3章主要部件强度刚度校核15 3.1轴的强度和刚度校核15 3.1.1主动轴的强度校核15 3.1.2主动轴的刚度校核17 3.1.3从动轴的强度校核18 3.1.4从动轴的刚度校核23 3.2轴承和键的校核24 3.2.1轴承的校核24 3.2.2键的强度校核26 3.3梁的强度和刚度校核27 3.3.1梁的自由扭转计算27 3.3.2活动梁的强度和刚度校核27 3.3.3停车梁的强度和刚度校核34 3.4本章小结38 结论39 参考文献40 致谢41
n Desig
n for Bachelor's Degree 摘要 在我国汽车保有量越来越大、停车问题越来越严重的情况下,开发适合我国国情的立体车库,是解决停车问题的有效途径。车辆无处停放的问题是城市的社会、经济、交通发展到一定程度产生的结果,我国也于90年代初开始研究开发机械立体停车设备,距今已有近二十年的历程。由于很多新建小区内住户与车位的配比为1:1,为了解决停车位占地面积与住户商用面积的矛盾,立体停车设备以其平均单车占地面积小的独特特性,已被广大用户接受。 在此设计中,通过利用杠杆和链传动曳引活动梁实现对汽车的二层存取。 在完成确保双层车辆均可自由存取的总体框架的设计后,对链传动存取车辆装置及其零部件、活动梁及停车梁等主要结构及其零部件进行计算校核。 该立体车库结构简单,操作方便,成本低廉,比较适合于家庭用户。 关键词:立体车库;杠杆;链传动;曳引;校核 ABSTRACT I
n our cou
ntry, as the automobile amou
nt i
ng ceaselessly, the parki
ng problem becomes more a
nd more serious. A
n effective method to solve the parki
ng problem is to develop the stereoscopic garage which adapts to the curre
nt situatio
n of our cou
ntry. I
n this desig
n, o
ne ca
n use the stereoscopic garage to store a
nd take car i
n a
ny layer of the double-layer garage by the draggi
ng of the movable ridge, which is accomplished by the lifti
ng a
nd loweri
ng of the level a
nd the tra
n of the chai
n. After fi
ng the e
ntire desig
n which e
ng that the cars i
n each layer come i
n a
nd go out freely without causi
ng obstructio
ns to each other, the tractor-drive
n device a
nd its fitti
ngs,as well as the mai
n structure,such as the movable ridge a
nd parki
ng ridge a
nd their fitti
ngs are desig
ned a
n checked. Havi
ng the adva
ntages of the simple structure, co
nt operatio
n a
nd low costs, this stereoscopic garage is a good choice for home users. Key words: Stereoscopic Garage; Level; Tra
n of Chai
n; Tractor-drive
n; Check 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1课题背景1 1.2立体车库研究意义1 1.3立体停车设备国内外发展综述2 1.4主要研究内容2 第2章方案选择及结构设计3 2.1立体车库总体结构设计3 2.1.1车型及车库参数3 2.1.2车库工作流程3 2.2液压系统部件的选择与计算3 2.2.1液压缸的选择与计算3 2.2.2液压泵的选择6 2.2.3泵电动机的选择7 2.3传动部件的选择与计算7 2.3.1减速机的选择7 2.3.2链条的设计8 2.3.3链轮的设计10 2.4轴承和轴承座的类型12 2.4.1轴承的类型12 2.4.2轴承座的类型12 2.5其它主要零件的选择13 2.5.1停车梁的选择13 2.5.2支承梁与活动梁的选择13 2.6本章小结14 第3章主要部件强度刚度校核15 3.1轴的强度和刚度校核15 3.1.1主动轴的强度校核15 3.1.2主动轴的刚度校核17 3.1.3从动轴的强度校核18 3.1.4从动轴的刚度校核23 3.2轴承和键的校核24 3.2.1轴承的校核24 3.2.2键的强度校核26 3.3梁的强度和刚度校核27 3.3.1梁的自由扭转计算27 3.3.2活动梁的强度和刚度校核27 3.3.3停车梁的强度和刚度校核34 3.4本章小结38 结论39 参考文献40 致谢41