支撑盘的冲压成形工艺及模具设计【带凸缘锥形件拉深冲孔落料复合模】 摘要:该设计题目为支撑盘冲压成形工艺及模具设计,体现了盘类冲压零件的设计要求、内容及方向。有一定的设计意义,通过对该零件模具的设计,进一步加强了设计者冲压模设计的基础知识,为设计更复杂的冲压模具做好铺垫和吸取了更深刻的经验。 本设计运用冲压成型工艺及模具设计的基础知识,首先对零件进行工艺性分析,以确定冲压工序,然后计算零件的体积,便于选取合适的压力机,最后分析了零件的特征,确定模具的设计参数、设计要点及卸料装置的选龋 本冲压件的外缘和内孔均为圆形,所以在设计模具结构时,应考虑内孔与外缘的相对位置精度。又由于零件需要拉深,所以复合模是首选,其工序即为:冲孔、落料、拉深。模具的设计中,设计凹模是关键,结合本副模具及零件的特点,刚性推件装置是比较合适的选择。 关键词:冲压模复合模凹模 Disk die desig
n Abstract:The requireme
nt a
nd directio
n of the desig
n of the disk stamp parts are embodied o
n this pressi
ng die desig
n of the stamp parts of dam disk. The desig
ner’s fou
n k
nowledge of the stamp mould desig
n is rei
nforced a
nd is able to desig
n more complex stamp mould through the desig
n. Through the fou
n k
nowledge, firstly, the processibility of the part is a
nalyzed to determi
ne the process of the stamp. Seco
ndly, thevolume of the part is computed to choose the pressi
ng machi
ne. Lastly the character of the part is a
nalyzed to determi
ne the mould desig
n parameter a
nd desig
n poi
nt a
nd choose the sheddi
ng mecha
nism. The pressworked part`s outer edge a
nd i
nal hole are all circular.Sowhe
n desig
n the mold structure,should co
nsider the precisio
n of relative positio
n of the hole a
nd the outflow bou
ndary. Also because the part should be drawed, so,the compou
nd die is the first choice.Itsworki
ng procedure is:bla
nched hole.I
n the mold desig
n,the desig
n of the equipme
nt of pushi
ng part is the keybi
ng the characteristic of this mold a
nd the part,the rigidity die is a comparatively appropriate choice. Keywords:Pressi
ng die Compou
nd die Die 目录 1绪论1 1.1模具CAD/CAM技术状况1 1.2模具设计与制造能力状况3 2工艺性分析5 3排样设计6 3.1确定零件的排样方案6 3.条料宽度、导尺间宽度和材料利用律的计算6 4工艺方案的确定8 5模具结构形式的选择与确定9 5.1正倒装结构9 5.2送料方式9 5.3定位装置9 5.45模架的选用9 5.5导向方式10 5.6卸料方式10 6冲压力与压力中心11 6.1加强筋拉深的总力11 6.2冲裁工序总力的计算11 6.3初选压力机12 6.4压力中心的计算13 7模具工作机构的设计14 7.1工作零部件的设计与标准化14 7.1.1工作零部件的计算14 7.1.2工作零部件的设计与标准化16 7.2定位装置的设计与标准化20 7.2.1固定挡料销的设计与标准化20 7.2.2导料销的选用20 8标准模架的选用及其他零件的确定22 8.1卸料装置的设计与标准化23 8.2联接件的选用与标准化23 9支撑盘拉深冲孔落料复合模总装图24 10压力机的校核25 结束语26 致谢27 参考文献28
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